Multivalued judgment using Decode function of Oracle

  • 2021-07-22 11:47:17
  • OfStack

The syntax of the Decode function is as follows:

decode (expression, search_1, result_1)
decode (expression, search_1, result_1, search_2, result_2)
decode (expression, search_1, result_1, search_2, result_2, ...., search_n, result_n)
decode (expression, search_1, result_1, default)
decode (expression, search_1, result_1, search_2, result_2, default)
decode (expression, search_1, result_1, search_2, result_2, ...., search_n, result_n, default)

The decode function compares the expression with the search word and returns the result if it matches; If there is no match, return default value; If no default value is defined, a null value is returned.
The following is a simple test to illustrate the use of the Decode function:

SQL> create table t as select username,default_tablespace,lock_date from dba_users;
Table created.
SQL> select * from t;
USERNAME                       DEFAULT_TABLESPACE             LOCK_DATE
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------
SYS                            SYSTEM
SYSTEM                         SYSTEM
OUTLN                          SYSTEM
CSMIG                          SYSTEM
SCOTT                          SYSTEM
EYGLE                          USERS
DBSNMP                         SYSTEM
WMSYS                          SYSTEM                         20-OCT-04
8 rows selected.

SQL> select username,decode(lock_date,null,"unlocked","locked") status from t;
USERNAME                       STATUS
------------------------------ --------
SYS                            unlocked
SYSTEM                         unlocked
OUTLN                          unlocked
CSMIG                          unlocked
SCOTT                          unlocked
EYGLE                          unlocked
DBSNMP                         unlocked
WMSYS                          locked
8 rows selected.
SQL> select username,decode(lock_date,null,"unlocked") status from t;
USERNAME                       STATUS
------------------------------ --------
SYS                            unlocked
SYSTEM                         unlocked
OUTLN                          unlocked
CSMIG                          unlocked
SCOTT                          unlocked
EYGLE                          unlocked
DBSNMP                         unlocked
8 rows selected.

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