Oracle Startup routine STARTUP parameter description

  • 2020-06-19 11:55:24
  • OfStack

1. Start the story without loading the database
You can start a story without loading the database, usually when the database is created:

2. Start the story and load the database
The user can start the story and load the database without opening it, allowing the user to perform specific maintenance operations. Such as:
l renames data files;
l adds, revoks, or renames and redoes log files;
l starts and disables redo log archiving;
l performs full database recovery.

3. Start the case load and open the database
The normal case is when a case is started and the database is loaded and opened. This pattern allows any valid user to connect to the database and perform typical
Database access operation.

4. Limit access to the database at startup time
The user can launch the story and load the database in strict mode, which only allows DBA to do the following:
l performs structural maintenance, such as rebuilding indexes;
l performs import and export of database files;
l performs data loading;
l temporarily blocks data from a typical user

5. Force the case to start
You can force the case by using the following command, and if an instance is starting, STARTUP FORCE restarts.

6. Start a case, load the database, and start all media recovery
If the user requests media recovery, you can start a story, load the database pointing to the story, and automatically start the recovery program.

7. Start exclusive or parallel mode
If the user's ORACLE server allows multiple instances to access one database concurrently (Oracle parallel server option), select Unique
Occupy or parallel load the database.
Such as:
If the user specifies an exclusive (the default), the database can only be loaded and opened by the current story. Here is an example of an exclusive pattern
In addition:
STARTUP OPEN: STARTUP the default parameter is OPEN to open the database and allow access to the database. In the control file for the current instance
All the files described have been opened.

STARTUP MOUNT: MOUNT database, only to DBA for administrative operations, do not allow users of the database access. Just the current instance
The control file is opened, but the data file is not.

STARTUP NOMOUNT: Simply initializes the file, allocates the SGA area, starts the database background process, and does not open the control file and number
According to the file. No access to the database.

STARTUP PFILE= filename: Start the database with filename as the initialization file, not with the default initialization file.
STARTUP FORCE: Terminates the current database operation and begins to restart the database as normal.
STARTUP RESTRICT: Only users with RESTRICTED SESSION permissions are allowed to access the database.
STARTUP RECOVER: Database starts and media recovery begins.
SHUTDOWN has four parameters: NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, IMMEDIATE and ABORT. The default is NORMAL with no parameters
SHUTDOWN NORMAL: No new connections allowed, wait for session to end, wait for transaction to end, do 1 checkpoint and close data file. Rev.
No instance recovery is required while active.

SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL: No new connections allowed, no waiting for the end of the session, no waiting for the end of the transaction, 1 checkpoint and closing number
According to the file. No instance recovery is required at startup.

SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE: No new connections allowed, no waiting for the end of the session, no waiting for the end of the transaction, do 1 checkpoint and close the data
File. Transactions that do not end are automatically rollback. No instance recovery is required at startup.

SHUTDOWN ABORT: No new connections allowed, no waiting for the end of a session, no waiting for the end of a transaction, no checkpoint and no closing of data text
A. Instance recovery occurs automatically at startup.

In addition, for NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, IMMEDIATE, the contents of DB Buffer Cache were written to the data file, not committed
The transaction is rolled back, all resources are released, and the database is "clean" shut down.

For ABORT, the contents of DB Buffer Cache were not written to the data file, and transactions that were not committed were not rolled back. The database does not have
dismount and close, data file also not closed. When the database starts, the data needs to be recovered through redo log, by rolling back segment pairs
The transaction is rolled back to free the resource.


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