PL and SQL data types and operators
- 2020-05-27 07:25:50
- OfStack
Scalar (scalar) data types have no internal components, and they can be roughly divided into the following four categories:
. number
. character
. boolean
Table 1 shows the numeric data types; Table 2 shows the character data types; Table 3 shows the date and the Boolean data type.
Table 1 Scalar Types: Numeric
Datatype Range Subtypes description BINARY_INTEGER -214748-2147483647 NATURAL
Used to store single-byte integers.
The storage length is required to be less than the NUMBER value.
Subtypes used to limit scope (SUBTYPE):
NATURAL: for non-negative Numbers
POSITIVE: only for positive Numbers
NATURALN: only for non-negative and non-NULL values
POSITIVEN: only for positive Numbers, not for NULL values
SIGNTYPE: only values :-1, 0, or 1. NUMBER 1.0E-130-9.99E125 DEC
Stores numeric values, including integers and floating point Numbers. Precision and calibration mode can be selected. Syntax:
number [(
The default precision is 38 and scale is 0.
PLS_INTEGER -2147483647-2147483647 It is essentially the same as BINARY_INTEGER, but PLS_INTEGER provides better performance with machine calculations.
The NUMBER digital model can hold both integer and real values, and can define the precision and value range
The BINARY_INTEGER numeric type stores signed integers and optimizes performance for integer calculations
Subtype of DEC numeric NUMBER, decimal
DOUBLE PRECISION number type NUMBER subtype, high precision real number
A subtype of INTEGER numeric NUMBER, an integer
INT numeric NUMBER subtype, integer
A subtype of NUMERIC numeric NUMBER, equivalent to NUMBER
A subtype of REAL numeric NUMBER, equivalent to NUMBER
A subtype of SMALLINT numeric NUMBER with a smaller range of values than INTEGER
The VARCHAR2 character type holds variable-length strings with a maximum length
Table 2 character data types
CHAR character type fixed-length string
LONG variable-length character string with a maximum length of 32,767
The DATE date type stores date values in the same format as the database
ROWID ROWID stores the row number of the database
Table 3 DATE and BOOLEAN
LOB data type
The LOB(large object,Large object) data type is used to store large data objects such as images and sounds. The LOB data object can be binary data or character data with a maximum length of no more than 4G. The LOB data type supports arbitrary access, while LONG only supports sequential access. LOB is stored in a single location, while a "LOB locator "(LOB locator), which is a pointer to the actual data, is stored in the original table. The LOB data objects are manipulated in PL/SQL using the package DBMS_LOB.LOB data types can be divided into the following four categories:
The operator
Like other programming languages, PL/SQL has a series of 1 operators. Operators fall into the following categories:
. Arithmetic operator
. Relationship operator
Comparison operator
.logical operator
The arithmetic operators are shown in table 4
operator operation + add - Reduction of / In addition to * take ** chengfang
The relationship operator is mainly used for conditional judgment statements or for where substrings. The relationship operator checks whether the conditions and results are true or false. Table 5 shows the relationship operators in PL/SQL
operator operation < Less than operator < = Less than or equal to operator > Greater than operator > = Greater than or equal to operator = Equals operator != Not equal to operator < > Not equal to operator := Assignment operator
Table 6 shows the comparison operators
operator operation IS NULL Returns TRUE if the operand is NULL LIKE Compare string values BETWEEN Verify that the value is within the range IN Verify that the operand is in the set 1 series of values
Table 7.8 shows the logical operators
operator operation AND Both conditions must be met OR You just have to satisfy one of the two conditions NOT The not