How does nginx implement read write current limiting methods

  • 2020-05-12 06:59:39
  • OfStack

Read/write current limits for nginx

Some time ago, an api was developed for external call. The leader said to limit the current and request a single IP, 50 reads and 10 writes per second

Universal nginx, a few lines of configuration

#  So you define the rules, you write them down server outside 
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr $uri zone=api_write:20m rate=10r/s; #  write 
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr $uri zone=api_read:20m rate=50r/s;  #  read 

#  Apply the above rules to interfaces that require speed limits 

#  write 10/ seconds 
location = /api/v1/trade {
  limit_req zone=api_write burst=10;
  proxy_pass http://api_server;
#  The query 50/ seconds 
location /api/v1/query {
  limit_req zone=api_read burst=50;
  proxy_pass http://api_server;

nginx -s reload

Again, the application doesn't need to care, not a single line of code is touched

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