Page jump is realized by Nginx's map instruction

  • 2020-05-12 06:50:13
  • OfStack


This article mainly introduces the use of Nginx map Instruction to achieve page jump method, there is a need for the following 1 to learn to learn.

Implementation method

In nginx. conf http Domain to add map Instruction rule, which contains 1 URL rule mapping file:

#  Set up the 301 jump 
map $request_uri $new {
 include /etc/nginx/;

map The directive supports the introduction of a mapping file, where the content format of file is as follows:

~^/page/mordern-php$ /page/modern-php;

So far only 1 line has been added as a test, which can be preceded by a regular expression and followed by the new URL to jump to, each line ending with a semicolon.

Since the website has opened HTTPS, it is listening on port 443 server Block, location Add rules before statement as follows:

if ($new) {
 rewrite ^$new redirect;

This statement indicates that if URL matches the rule in, it jumps to the new URL rule.

Restart the nginx service and you'll see the results.


Well, the above is the use of Nginx map command to achieve page jump all the content, this function is relatively practical for everyone, I hope this article can help people in need, if you have questions you can leave a message to communicate.

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