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  • 2020-05-12 06:47:11
  • OfStack

nginx built-in variables

The built-in variables are stored in the ngx_http_core_module module, and the names of the variables are 1 to the apache server variables. In summary, these variables represent the contents of the client request header, such as $http_user_agent, $http_cookie, and so on. Here are all the built-in variables that nginx supports:

The parameter name in the request, which is "?" arg_name= arg_name in the form arg_value

Parameter values in the request

The binary form of the client address, fixed to 4 bytes in length

The number of bytes transmitted to the client, not counting the response header; This variable remains compatible with the "%B" parameter in Apache's mod_log_config module

Number of bytes transferred to client (1.3.8, 1.2.5)

Serial number of TCP connection (1.3.8, 1.2.5)

Current number of requests for TCP connections (1.3.8, 1.2.5)

"Content-Length" request header field

"Content-Type" request header field

cookie name

The document root or alias of the current request

With $uri

The priority is as follows: the host name of the HTTP request line > "HOST" request header field > Matches the requested server name

The host name

Matches any request header field; The last part of the variable name "name" can be replaced with any request header field. If you need to get the http request header "Accept-Language" in the configuration file, replace the "-" with the underscore and the uppercase with the lowercase, as follows: $http_accept_language.

If SSL security mode is turned on, the value is "on"; otherwise, it is an empty string.

If there are arguments in the request, the value is "?" , otherwise it is an empty string.

For setting the speed limit for the response, see limit_rate.

Current Unix timestamp (1.3.9, 1.2.6)

nginx version

Work process PID

If the request comes from a pipe communication, the value is "p", otherwise it is ". "(1.3.12, 1.2.7)

Gets the client address of the proxy access server, which is an empty string in the case of direct access. (1.5.12)

With $args

The real path of the document root directory or alias currently requested converts all symbolic connections to the real path.

Client address

Client port

The user name used for the HTTP basic authentication service

The request address represents the client

The client's request body
This variable can be used in location to pass the request body to the proxy server at the next level 1 through proxy_pass, fastcgi_pass, uwsgi_pass, and scgi_pass.

Save the client request body in a temporary file. After file processing, this file needs to be deleted. If you want 1 to enable this, you need to set client_body_in_file_only. If you pass the secondary file to the back-end proxy server, you need to disable request body, that is, proxy_pass_request_body off, fastcgi_pass_request_body off, uwsgi_pass_request_body off, or scgi_pass_request_body off

The value is "OK" if the request is successful, or null if the request is incomplete or not the last part of a range request.

The file path of the current connection request, generated by the root or alias directive and the URI request.

The length of the request (including the address of the request, http request header and request body) (1.3.12, 1.2.7)

HTTP request method, usually "GET" or "POST"

Time used to process client requests (1.3.9, 1.2.6); Time from the first byte of the client read.

This variable is equal to the original URI containing some client request parameters. It cannot be modified, please see $uri to change or rewrite URI without the host name, for example: "/cnphp/ test.php ? arg = freemouse ".

The requested Web protocol, "http" or "https"

You can set any http response header field; The last part of the variable name "name" can be replaced with any response header field. If the response header Content-length needs to be set, replace the "-" with the underscore and the uppercase with the lowercase, as follows: $sent_http_content_length 4096.

Server side address, note that to avoid access to the linux system kernel, the ip address should be set in the configuration file in advance.

Server name,

Server port

HTTP version of the server, usually "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP response code (1.3.2, 1.2.2)

$tcpinfo_rtt, $tcpinfo_rttvar, $tcpinfo_snd_cwnd, $tcpinfo_rcv_space
Client TCP connection details

ISO 8610 format for server time (1.3.12, 1.2.7)

Server time (LOG Format format) (1.3.12, 1.2.7)

The current URI in the request (without the request parameter, which is located at $args) can differ from the browser-passed value of $request_uri, which can be modified by internal redirection, or by the index directive. $uri does not contain the hostname, such as "/foo/ bar.html".

nginx has built-in global variables and their meanings

Name version description (list of variables from file ngx_http_variables)
$args 1.0.8 parameters in request;
$binary_remote_addr 1.0.8 the base 2 representation of the remote address
$body_bytes_sent 1.0.8 number of body bytes sent
$content_length 1.0.8 HTTP "Content-Length" in the request message;
$content_type 1.0.8 "Content-Type" in the request information;
$document_root 1.0.8 set the value for the root path of the current request;
$document_uri 1.0.8 is the same as $uri; Such as/test1 test2 / test php
$host 1.0.8 "Host" in the request information, if there is no Host line in the request, is equal to the server name set;
$hostname 1.0.8
$http_cookie 1.0.8 cookie information
$http_post 1.0.8
$http_referer 1.0.8 reference address
$http_user_agent 1.0.8 client agent information
$http_via 1.0.8 the Ip address of the last server accessed.
$http_x_forwarded_for 1.0.8 corresponds to the network access path.
$is_args 1.0.8
$limit_rate 1.0.8 limit on connection rate;
$nginx_version 1.0.8
$pid 1.0.8
$query_string 1.0.8 is the same as $args;
$realpath_root 1.0.8
$remote_addr 1.0.8 client address;
$remote_port 1.0.8 client port number;
$remote_user 1.0.8 client username for authentication;
$request 1.0.8 user request
$request_body 1.0.8
$request_body_file 1.0.8 send the local file name to the back end
$request_completion 1.0.8
$request_filename 1.0.8 file path of the current request, such as $request_filename: D: \ nginx/html/test1 / test2 / test php
$request_method 1.0.8 requested methods, such as "GET", "POST", etc.
$request_uri 1.0.8 request URI, with parameters; Such as http: / / localhost: 88 / test1 / test2 / test php
$scheme 1.0.8 used protocol, such as http or https, such as rewrite ^ (. +) $$scheme: / / example com $1 redirect;
$sent_http_cache_control 1.0.8
$sent_http_connection 1.0.8
$sent_http_content_length 1.0.8
$sent_http_content_type 1.0.8
$sent_http_keep_alive 1.0.8
$sent_http_last_modified 1.0.8
$sent_http_location 1.0.8
$sent_http_transfer_encoding 1.0.8
$server_addr 1.0.8 server address. If the server address is not specified by listen, this variable will be used to make a system call to get the address (a waste of resources).
$server_name 1.0.8 requested server name;
$server_port 1.0.8 the requested server port number;
$server_protocol 1.0.8 requested protocol version, "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1";
The $uri 1.0.8 request for URI may be different from the original value, such as redirected.

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