An Example of Data Constraints Based on MySQL Database and Introduction of Five Integrity Constraints

  • 2021-11-10 11:08:28
  • OfStack

In order to prevent non-conforming data from entering the database, DBMS automatically monitors the data according to the specified constraints when users insert, modify and delete the data, so that the non-conforming data cannot enter the database, so as to ensure the correctness, validity and compatibility of the data stored in the database.

# Data constraints

#NOT NULL :非空约束,指定某列不能为空;
#UNIQUE : 唯1约束,指定某列或者几列组合不能重复
#PRIMARY KEY :主键,指定该列的值可以唯1地标识该列记录
#FOREIGN KEY :外键,指定该行记录从属于主表中的1条记录,主要用于参照完整性
#CHECK :检查,指定1个布尔表达式,用于指定对应的值必须满足该表达式(mysql不支持check约束)
#--------------------------------NOT NULL 非空约束 ---------------------------
create table test4
id int not null,
name varchar(55) default 'ABCD' not null,
age int null
 alter table test4
 modify name varchar(55) default 'ABCD' not null,
 alter table test4
 modify age int not null;
#--------------------------------UNIQUE : 唯1约束--------------------------------
 create table test_unique
 id int not null unique,
 age int
 create table unique_test3
test6_id int not null,
test6_name varchar(255),
test6_pass varchar(255),
constraint test6_unique unique(test6_id,test6_name),
constraint test6_unique_2 unique(test6_pass)
 alter table test4
 add unique(id,name,age);
 alter table test4
 modify age varchar(255) not null;
 alter table test4
 modify age varchar(255) not null unique;
 #对大部分数据库而言,删除约束使用: alter table 表名 drop constraint 约束名
 #但是Mysql不采取此方式,而是: alter table 表名 drop index 约束名
 #--------------------------------PRIMARY KEY : 主键约束--------------------------------
 create table primary_test
test_id int primary key,
test_name varchar(255)
 create table primary_test2
test_id int not null,
test_name varchar(255),
test_pass varchar(255),
constraint test2_pk primary key (test_id)
 create table primary_test3
test_id int,
test_name varchar(255),
primary key(test_id,test_name)
 alter table primary_test3
 modify test_id int primary key();
 alter table primary_test3
 add primary key(test_id,test_name);
 #删除主键约束:alter table 表名 drop primary key;
  create table primary_test3
test_id int auto_increment primary key,
test_name varchar(255)
 create table teacher_tb
t_id int auto_increment,
t_name varchar(255),
primary key(t_id)
 create table student_tb
s_id int auto_increment primary key,
s_name varchar(255) not null,
t_java int,
foreign key(t_java) references teacher_tb(t_id)
#如果使用表级约束语法,则需要使用foreign key指定本表的外键列,如果创建外键约束时没有指定约束名,
 create table teacher_tb2
t_id int auto_increment,
t_name varchar(255),
primary key(t_id)
 create table student_tb2
s_id int auto_increment primary key,
s_name varchar(255) not null,
t_java int,
constraint student_teacher_fk foreign key(t_java) references teacher_tb2(t_id)
 create table teacher_tb5
t_name varchar(255),
t_pass varchar(255),
primary key(t_name,t_pass)
 create table student_tb5
s_id int auto_increment primary key,
s_name varchar(255) not null,
t_java_pass varchar(255),
t_java_name varchar(255),
foreign key(t_java_name,t_java_pass) 
  references teacher_tb5(t_name,t_pass)
 alter table student_tb2
 drop foreign key student_teacher_fk;
 alter table student_tb2
 add foreign key(t_java) references teacher_tb2(t_id);
 create table foreign_test9
foreign_id int auto_increment primary key,
foreign_name varchar(255),
refer_id int,
foreign key(refer_id) references foreign_test9(foreign_id)
 #on delete cascade 把参照该主表记录的从表记录全部级联删除
 #on delete set null 把参照该主表记录的从表记录从表设为null        e
 create table teacher_tb8
t_id int auto_increment,
t_name varchar(255),
primary key(t_id)
 create table student_tb8
s_id int auto_increment primary key,
s_name varchar(255) not null,
t_java int,
constraint student_teacher_fk foreign key(t_java) references teacher_tb8(t_id) on delete cascade


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