Detailed steps for installing MySql 5.7. 21 in Linux

  • 2021-10-11 19:49:30
  • OfStack


The most widely used database in Linux is MySQL. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the steps of installing MySql 5.7. 21 in Linux. The steps are introduced in detail, which has a certain reference learning value for everyone's study or work. The following words are not much to say. Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1: Download the latest mysql package mysql-5. 7.21-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64 from mysql official website

Official download address:

Download address: html

2: Unzip the mysql compressed package in linux/usr/local/ and rename it mysql

cd /usr/local/
tar -xzvf mysql Compressed package name 

3: Create user group mysql, create user mysql and add it to user group mysql with read and write permissions

groupadd mysql--Create an mysql user group
useradd-r-g mysql mysql-Create an mysql user and add it to an mysql user group
chown-R mysql mysql/--Assign myql directory access to myql users
chgrp-R mysql mysql/--The user group that changed the mysql directory belongs to the mysql group


chmod Command

Used to change the access rights of files or directories. Users use it to control access to files or directories.

chgrp Command

Change the group to which the file or directory belongs.

-R handles all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories

4: Create configuration file, save and exit

vim /etc/my.cnf
# Copy the following 
port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
init_connect='SET NAMES utf8'
# Case insensitive 
lower_case_table_names = 1

default-time_zone = '+8:00'

5: Initialize the database

# Install first 1 Under this thing, otherwise initialization may report errors 
yum install libaio
# Manual editing 1 Under the log file, no need to write anything, save it directly and exit it 
cd /var/log/
vim mysqld.log
 : wq
chmod 777 mysqld.log
chown mysql:mysql mysqld.log
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data --lc_messages_dir=/usr/local/mysql/share --lc_messages=en_US

6: View Initial Password

cat /var/log/mysqld.log

Last line: root @ localhost: This is the initial password

7: Start the service, enter mysql, modify the initial password, and run the remote connection

# If you are prompted that you must change your password before you can operate, do the following 
set password=password(' New password ');

flush privileges;

UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET `Host` = '%', `User` = 'root' WHERE (`Host` = 'localhost') AND (`User` = 'root');

# Then do the following to open mysql Service and setting related permissions 
cd /var/run/

mkdir mysqld

chmod 777 mysqld

cd mysqld


chmod 777

chown mysql:mysql 

/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p  The initial password you see above 

#  The following is after entering the database sql Statement 
 use mysql;

 UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET `Host`='%', `User`='root', `Select_priv`='Y', `Insert_priv`='Y', `Update_priv`='Y', `Delete_priv`='Y', `Create_priv`='Y', `Drop_priv`='Y', `Reload_priv`='Y', `Shutdown_priv`='Y', `Process_priv`='Y', `File_priv`='Y', `Grant_priv`='Y', `References_priv`='Y', `Index_priv`='Y', `Alter_priv`='Y', `Show_db_priv`='Y', `Super_priv`='Y', `Create_tmp_table_priv`='Y', `Lock_tables_priv`='Y', `Execute_priv`='Y', `Repl_slave_priv`='Y', `Repl_client_priv`='Y', `Create_view_priv`='Y', `Show_view_priv`='Y', `Create_routine_priv`='Y', `Alter_routine_priv`='Y', `Create_user_priv`='Y', `Event_priv`='Y', `Trigger_priv`='Y', `Create_tablespace_priv`='Y', `ssl_type`='', `ssl_cipher`='', `x509_issuer`='', `x509_subject`='', `max_questions`='0', `max_updates`='0', `max_connections`='0', `max_user_connections`='0', `plugin`='mysql_native_password', `authentication_string`='*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9', `password_expired`='N', `password_last_changed`='2017-11-20 12:41:07', `password_lifetime`=NULL, `account_locked`='N' WHERE (`User`='root');

 flush privileges;

8: Start up automatically

cd /usr/local/mysql/support-files
cp mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld
chkconfig --add mysqld

9: Use the service mysqld command to start/stop the service

su - mysql
service mysqld start/stop/restart
 Remote user establishment 
grant all privileges on *.* to ' New User Name '@'%' identified by ' New password ';
flush privileges;
 Add a system path 
vim /etc/profile
export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH
source /etc/profile

Enter the user password using navicat to connect to mysql successfully!


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