Detailed Explanation of Mybatis Special Character Processing

  • 2021-08-31 09:27:59
  • OfStack


Mybatis special character processing, Mybatis xml file special character processing, here provides solutions and examples, you can refer to the following:

1. Problem description:

When querying, you need to obtain the data in the time interval, as follows:

<if test="startTime != null" > 
  and l.CREATE_TIME >= #{startTime} 
<if test="endTime != null" > 
   and l.CREATE_TIME < #{endTime}  

However, in the xml file in Mybatis, the query cannot use the less than sign ( < ), because this belongs to the opening tag and is a special character

2. Solutions

In the query, special characters can be avoided by including them with CDATA. This method applies to all special characters.


Examples are as follows:

<if test="startTime != null" > 
    and l.CREATE_TIME >= #{startTime} 
<if test="endTime != null" > 
  and l.CREATE_TIME < #{endTime} 

MyBatis returns the primary key, and MyBatis Insert operation returns the primary key:

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