Commonly used operation of MySQL under cmd and python

  • 2021-08-17 01:17:11
  • OfStack

Environment Configuration 1: Install mysql and add the bin directory of mysql to the environment variable

Environment Configuration 2: python Install MySQL-Python

Please download and install according to your own operating system, otherwise you will report c + + compile 9.0, import _ mysql and other errors

The windows10 64-bit operating system can be downloaded and installed from gohlke/pythonlibs/MySQL-Python package. For the installation method of whl and tar.gz under windows and Linux, please see my last article

1. Actions under the cmd command:

Connect mysql: mysql-u root-p

View all databases: show databases;

Create test database: create database test;

Delete database: drop database test;

Use (switch to) the test database: use test;

View the table under the current database: show tables;

Create an UserInfo table: create table UserInfo (id int (5) NOT NULL auto_increment, username varchar (10), password varchar (20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id);

Delete table: drop table UserInfo;

Judging whether the data exists: select * from UserInfo where name like 'elijahxb';

Added data: insert into UserInfo (username, password) value ('eljiahxb', '123456');

Check data: select * from UserInfo; select id from UserInfo; select username from UserInfo;

Change data: update UserInfo set username = 'Zus' where id = 1; update UserInfo set username = 'Zus';

Deleted data: delete from UserInfo; delete from UserInfo where id=1;

Disconnect: quit

2. Actions under python:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python

# @Time  : 2017/6/4 18:11
# @Author : Elijah
# @Site  : 
# @File  :
# @Software: PyCharm Community Edition
import MySQLdb

class MySqlHelper(object):
  def __init__(self,**args):
    self.ip = args.get("IP")
    self.user = args.get("User")
    self.password = args.get("Password")
    self.tablename = args.get("Table")
    self.port = 3306
    self.conn = self.conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host=self.ip,user=self.user,passwd=self.password,port=self.port,connect_timeout=5,autocommit=True)
    self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()

  def Close(self):
  def execute(self,sqlcmd):
    return self.cursor.execute(sqlcmd)
  def SetDatabase(self,database):
    return self.cursor.execute("use %s;"%database)
  def GetDatabasesCount(self):
    return self.cursor.execute("show databases;")
  def GetTablesCount(self):
    return self.cursor.execute("show tables;")
  def GetFetchone(self, table = None):
    if not table:
      table = self.tablename
    self.cursor.execute("select * from %s;"%table)
    return self.cursor.fetchone()
  def GetFetchmany(self,table=None,size=0):
    if not table:
      table = self.tablename
    count = self.cursor.execute("select * from %s;"%table)
    return self.cursor.fetchmany(size)
  def GetFetchall(self,table=None):
    :param table:  List 
    if not table:
      table = self.tablename
    self.cursor.execute("select * from %s;"%table)
    return self.cursor.fetchall()
  def SetInsertdata(self,table=None,keyinfo=None,value=None):
    :param table:
    :param keyinfo: You can not pass this parameter, but at this time value Every 1 The number of fields in a piece of data must be the same as the number of fields in the database 1 To. 
             When this parameter is passed, it means that only the field value of the specified field is passed. 
    :param value: Type must be only 1 A tuple of group information, or a list of tuples containing multiple pieces of information 
    if not table:
      table = self.tablename
    slist = []
    if type(value)==tuple:
      valuelen = value
      execmany = False
      valuelen = value[0]
      execmany = True
    for each in range(len(valuelen)):
    valuecenter = ",".join(slist)
    if not keyinfo:
      sqlcmd = "insert into %s values(%s);"%(table,valuecenter)
      sqlcmd = "insert into %s%s values(%s);" % (table,keyinfo,valuecenter)
    if execmany:
      return self.cursor.executemany(sqlcmd,value)
      return self.cursor.execute(sqlcmd, value)

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