Solution for root password forgetting of mysql under linux

  • 2021-06-28 14:22:25
  • OfStack

Five easy steps to solve the mysql root password forgotten problem, I hope you can help.

1. Modify MySQL's login settings:

# vi /etc/my.cnf

Add a sentence to the paragraph [mysqld], skip-grant-tables

For example:


2. Restart mysql

# service mysql start

3. Log in and modify root password for MySQL

# mysql 
mysql> USE mysql ; 
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = password ( 'new-password' ) WHERE User = 'root' ; 
mysql> flush privileges ; 
mysql> quit 

4. Modify MySQL's login settings back

# vi /etc/my.cnf

Delete the skip-grant-tables just added to the paragraph [mysqld]

5. Restart mysqld

# service mysql start

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