Install innodb_under centos 6ruby

  • 2021-06-28 14:15:48
  • OfStack

innodb_ruby is a program used by jeremycole to analyze Innodb related structures and is a very convenient structure tool for studying Innodb.So here's an introduction.

The projects shared in jeremycole github are excellent, so here's a direct recommendation for his github:

innodb_ruby depends on ruby > =version 1.9.3.Centos default yum version is lower.Manual compilation is required and recommended for download from the mirror of ruby-china (


Dependent packages need to be installed before installation:

#yum -y install zlib-devel curl-devel openssl-devel httpd-devel apr-devel apr-util-devel

If mysql is not installed in the system, please pack the package mysql-devel as well.

tar zxvf ruby-1.9.3-p551.tar.gz

cd ruby-1.9.3-p551



make install

After completing the Ruby installation, you can install innodb_ruby

gem install innodb_ruby

After waiting for the prompt to succeed, you can start innodb_ruby trip.

Reference Help:

Innodb has a fun start.

Special note: Note that the above command needs to be executed under datadir.Have fun.

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