MySQL moves from one table update field to another

  • 2020-11-18 06:30:58
  • OfStack

Let's start with a few simple examples

Solution 1:1

update student s, city c
  set s.city_name =
 where s.city_code = c.code;

Solution 2: Multiple columns

update a, b 

set a.title=b.title,

Solution 3: Subquery

update student s set city_name = (select name from city where code = s.city_code);

Let's look at a couple more of the ones that did it

For example, update the table tk_zyt_scenery_order to t_advs_order.

UPDATE t_advs_order SET
 attribute1=(SELECT o.order_state FROM tk_zyt_scenery_order o WHERE o.order_id=`on`),
 attribute2=(SELECT o.order_state FROM tk_zyt_scenery_order o WHERE o.order_id=`on`)
 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT o.order_state FROM tk_zyt_scenery_order o WHERE o.order_id=`on`);

In this way, the efficiency is relatively low and the writing method is optimized:

UPDATE t_advs_order a INNER JOIN tk_zyt_scenery_order s ON s.order_id=a.`on` SET

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