MySQL database MyISAM storage engine to Innodb method

  • 2020-06-19 11:51:27
  • OfStack

When the mysql database storage engine is MyISAM, the data table may be locked in the case of large amount of traffic, which will cause the user to timeout when connecting to the website and return 502. In this case, the MySQL database MyISAM storage engine needs to be converted to Innodb.
The steps are as follows:

1. Export the table structure of CentOS database

mysqldump -d -uxxx -p centos > centos_table.sql

Where the -ES13en parameter means that no data is exported, only the table structure is exported

centos_table. MyISAM in sql is INNODB

sed -i 's/MyISAM/INNODB/g' centos_table.sql

3. Create a new database centos_new and import the table structure

mysql > create database centos_new;
mysql -uroot -p centos_new < centos_table.sql

You can check that the table engine is INNODB via show table status.

4. Export data of centos

mysqldump -t -uroot -p centos > centos_data.sql

The -t parameter represents only the derivative data and does not guide the table structure

5. Import data to centos_new

mysql -uroot -p centos_new < centos_data.sql

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