A summary of of's experience with the perfect solution where the last step of reloading MySQL failed

  • 2020-06-19 11:50:28
  • OfStack

It is believed that everyone who has used MySQL has had the experience of reinstalling MySQL. If you reinstall MySQL, you will almost always fail in the last step. Unless you reinstall the operating system, the reason is that the registry in the system is not completely deleted. Here's one lesson I've learned:

There were problems with MYSQL, and it was very depressing to reinstall it, which was a crash. It needed to record once

When installing could not start the service mysql error:0 error sometimes occurs.

Solution steps:

1. Start - ES19en-ES21en 5.1-ES22en Instance Instance Wizard ES27en-ES29en

2. Enter the add and delete procedure, find MySQL and select uninstall and remove.

3. Enter the registry.

3.1. Check the key value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services, and delete the relevant mysql key value (mysql, mysqladmin).
3.2 To view HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ ControlSet001\Services\Eventlog\Application\ If there is an mysql directory, delete it.

3.3 To view HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\Eventlog\Application\ mysql \ If there is mysql under Application\.

3.4 Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services for the key value of Mysql and delete it.

3.5 Check the key value of Mysql \SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services and delete it.

3.6. Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services for the key value of Mysql and delete it.

4. Delete C:\Documents and Settings\ Users\Application Data

5. Enter the MySql installation directory and delete the directory.

6. Search the key word MYSQL in the registry to see if there is any relationship with MYSQL;

Do not need to restart the computer, just reinstall.

Note: Before reinstalling MySql, it is best to back up the database to 1.

Special note: Note that log files are critical, and for mysql, if something is difficult to resolve, look under data first.err files are king.

1. Enter regedit into the registry in Run.


HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM \ControlSet001\Services\Eventlog\Application\MySQL directory deletion


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ CurrentControlSet\ Eventlog\Application\MySQL \ ControlSet001,ControlSet002, not 001 and 002, may be ControlSet005, 006, etc

6. Delete the MySQL :\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\

7. Finally uninstall MySQL.

8. Delete the folder under the MySQL installation path.

It's better to restart the computer.

OK! At present, the above method can be reinstalled successfully in the case of MySQL version is MySQL 5.0, other versions need to be verified.

(Of course, after uninstalling MySQL 7 in Windows7, it seems that there are no above registry entries, so it can be reinstalled normally under Windows7)

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