Use the transaction instance in the Mysql stored procedure

  • 2020-06-15 10:22:23
  • OfStack

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `createBusiness`(parameter1 int)
    #Routine body goes here...
    DECLARE flag int DEFAULT parameter1;# Declare a variable flag , assigns the parameter value to the variable 
    DECLARE uuidStr VARCHAR(32);# The statement 1 A length of 32 Bit string 
    DECLARE currentTime TIMESTAMP;# The statement 1 Three variables of type timestamp 
    declare err INT default 0;# The statement 1 Three shaping variables err , the default value is 0
    declare continue handler for sqlexception set err=1;# when sqlexception handler Set when an exception is caught err=1

    START TRANSACTION;# Start the transaction 
    WHILE flag>0 DO # Pay attention to : while Cannot empty implementation ( in while Block, which must have a statement in it )
        #uuid() The string of the function is '6ccd780c-baba-1026-9564-0040f4311e29' Take out the inside - , 1 a 32 Bit string 
        SET uuidStr = REPLACE(UUID(),'-','') ;
        # Get the current time 
        SET currentTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
        # Execute the insert statement and notice the function that concatenates the string concat(str1,str2,...); Among them str.. It can also be a numeric type 
        INSERT INTO 
                                 The name of the table 
                                (uuidStr,CONCAT(' Event title ',flag),CONCAT(' The keyword ',flag),1,1,0,0,currentTime,CONCAT('xxxxxxx',flag),currentTime,1);
        # Each cycle 1 Time, flag To lose 1 , notice no flag-- The grammar of the 
        set flag = flag-1;
        # Test when here err=1 Test if the transaction has been rolled back ok
        #IF flag=7 THEN   # Note that in procedure To assign a value to a variable set, Or in variable declarations default Father and son, so = The sign can be used to compare whether the values on both sides are equal, <=> Or, let the distinction go. 
                #set err=1;
        #END if;

    IF (err=0) THEN
        select 'OK';
        select 'err';
     END IF;

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