windows and linux ways to enable log management after installing mysql

  • 2020-06-07 05:27:09
  • OfStack

Check to see if logging is enabled

mysql>show variables like 'log_bin';

How do I know the current log

mysql> show master status;

Show the number of base 2 logs

mysql> show master logs;

Look at the base 2 log file using mysqlbinlog

shell>mysqlbinlog mail-bin.000001


shell>mysqlbinlog mail-bin.000001 | tail

Specify the exit location for log in the configuration file.
Windows: Windows's configuration file is my.ini, 1 normally under MySQL's installation directory or c:\Windows.
Linux: The configuration file for Linux is ES33en. cnf, 1 generally under /etc.

Summary of log file types:
1. Error logging records problems that occur when mysqld is started, run, or stopped.
My. ini Configuration information:

#Enter a name for the error log file.   Otherwise a default name will be used.

2. The query log records the client connections made and the statements executed.
My. ini configuration information:

#Enter a name for the query log file. Otherwise a default name will be used.

3. The update log records statements that change data. Use of this log is disapproved.
My. ini Configuration Information:

#Enter a name for the update log file. Otherwise a default name will be used.

4.2 Base logging statements for all changed data. It's also used for replication.
My. ini Configuration information:

#Enter a name for the binary log. Otherwise a default name will be used.

5. Slow logging records all queries whose execution time exceeds long_query_time seconds or queries that do not use indexes.
My.ini Configuration information:

#Enter a name for the slow query log file. Otherwise a default name will be used.
#long_query_time =1
#log-slow-queries= d:/mysql_log_slow.txt

linux under:

Enter in [mysqld]

mysql> show master status;

Under the windows

Enter in [mysqld]

## Startup log 
## The error log 
## It's how long it lasts sql Will be log Come down here 2 seconds  
## Slow query log 
log-slow-queries= "E:/wamp/MySql/mysql_log/slowquery.log"
long_query_time =2 -- It's how long it lasts sql Will be log Come down here 2 seconds 
log-slow-queries= /usr/local/mysql/log/slowquery.log -- Record queries that return slower statements 
log-queries-not-using-indexes = nouseindex.log -- Which literally means, log No index is used down here query
log=mylog.log -- Record all executed statements 

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