MYSQL queries and to remove the and modification example using inner join

  • 2020-05-30 21:12:10
  • OfStack

-- The query  
SELECT tp.tp_id, tp.tpmc, tp.leveid, tp.tpdz, tp.jgm, tp.scsj, tp.pbzyid, tp.ksbfsj, tp.jsbfsj, tp.status, tp.tpbz FROM qdgl_tupian tp INNER JOIN qdgl_pqb pq 
ON tp.tp_id=pq.tpid WHERE pq.bfjgm='27010825' AND ps_bfsj >= '2013-01' AND ps_bfsj< 2013-05-31 ; 

--  Modify the  
UPDATE jx_lsjl jx INNER JOIN isa_gtxx gt ON jx.ckid=gt.gtbh set jx.ckid=gt.gtid WHERE gt.jgm='27010825' AND jx.jgm='27010825' ; 

-- delete  
DELETE FROM jx_lsjl jx INNER JOIN isa_gtxx gt ON jx.ckid=gt.gtbh WHERE gt.jgm='27010825' AND jx.jgm='27010825' ; 

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