mssql2008 custom table type implements of bulk insert or modification

  • 2020-05-15 02:20:35
  • OfStack

When doing large websites or systems, there is often a problem with bulk insert or modification of the database. If you encounter this problem, still 1 record to deal with, such efficiency is too low, so you should consider batch insert or modify

Today we won't talk about SqlBulkCopy, just sql custom table types. Because I have used the method of dividing tables in the current project, it is more convenient to use the stored procedure to automatically create the dividing tables. Now the function that I write at present is simple make a record, also convenient oneself look up later

Step 1, click the new query in the database to create sql
--====== Custom table types Demo====== 
-- Create a table  
create table tab 
tabvalue varchar(10) 
-- Create a custom table type  
create type Type_tab as table 
Type_tabvalue varchar(10) 
-- create   The stored procedure  
create procedure p_Tab 
@ptab Type_tab readonly 
insert into tab select * from @ptab 
--sql  Test table type  type1 
declare @tt Type_tab 
insert into @tt values('a') 
insert into @tt values('b') 
insert into @tt values('c') 
insert into tab select * from @tt 
select * from tab 
--sql  Test table type  type2 
declare @tt2 Type_tab 
insert into @tt2 values('a') 
insert into @tt2 values('b') 
insert into @tt2 values('c') 
execute p_Tab @tt2 

Step 2. calls the stored procedure
using (SqlConnection conn =SqlHelper.Settings.GetSqlConnection(true)) 
DataTable DtAdd = new DataTable(); 
DtAdd.Columns["tabvalue"].DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"); 
foreach (ModelEnt rl in List) 
DataRow Dr = DtAdd.NewRow(); 
Dr["tabvalue"] = rl.tabvalue; 
//int Rt = SqlHelper.SqlHelper.SqlBulkCopy(DtAdd, TableName, conn); 
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("p_Tab", conn); 
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ptab", SqlDbType.Structured).Value =DtAdd; 
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) 
return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 
catch (Exception ex) 
#if DEBUG 
throw ex; 
return -10000; 

ModelEnt is the entity class corresponding to the tab table. list is a collection of ModelEnt, so you can implement multiple row, so you can insert multiple records at once.

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