The use of replace in mySQL

  • 2020-05-14 05:03:49
  • OfStack

Example description of mysql replace:

UPDATE tb1 SET f1=REPLACE(f1, 'abc', 'def');

All strings from_str that appear in the string str are replaced by to_str, and this string is returned

This function is useful for batch replacement of illegal keywords in data! Here are some examples:

Example 1: UPDATE BBSTopic SET tcontents = replace(replace(tcontents,'die,'),' death ',' death ') where tcontents like '%die%' or tcontents like '% '

Example 2: UPDATE typetable SET type_description=REPLACE(type_description,'360','// ');

mysql replace usage

1.replace into
replace into table (id,name) values('1','aa'),('2','bb')
This statement inserts two records into the table table. If the primary key id is 1 or 2 does not exist
Is equivalent to
insert into table (id,name) values('1','aa'),('2','bb')
If the same value exists, no data is inserted


Replace all search in object with replace

select replace('','w','Ww')--- >

Example: replace aa in the name field of the table table with bb

update table set name=replace(name,'aa','bb')

We often use MySQL replace function, the following for you to introduce the use of MySQL replace function in detail, I hope you learn MySQL replace function can be enlightened.

Recently, I have been studying CMS. MySQL replace function of mysql needs to be used in data conversion. Here is a brief introduction 1.

Let's say you want to replace abc in tb1 with def in f1


UPDATE tb1 SET f1=REPLACE(f1, 'abc', 'def');


All the strings from_str that appear in the string str are replaced by to_str and return the string:
mysql > SELECT REPLACE('', 'w', 'Ww');
- > ''
This function is multi-byte safe.


UPDATE `dede_addonarticle` SET body = REPLACE ( body,
' < /td > ',
'' );
UPDATE `dede_addonarticle` SET body = REPLACE ( body,
' < /tr > ',
'' );
UPDATE `dede_addonarticle` SET body = REPLACE ( body,
' < tr > ',
'' );
UPDATE `dede_archives` SET title= REPLACE ( title,
'ocean news -'
'' );
UPDATE `dede_addonarticle` SET body = REPLACE ( body,
'' );

mysql replace

Usage 1.replace intoreplace into table (id,name) values(' 1 ', 'aa'),(' 2 ', 'bb')
This statement inserts two records into the table table.
2.replace(object, search,replace)
Replace all search in object with replaceselect replace(' ', 'w', 'Ww')-- > WwW

Example: replace aa in the name field of table table with bbupdate table set name=replace(name, 'aa', 'bb')


SELECT * FROM `goods_table` WHERE Context like "%Welcome%Store%" ORDER BY `goods_table`.`GoodsId` DESC

update goods_table set Context = replace(Context, 'Welcome to Yahoo Store !', 'Welcome to Our Store !');

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