Restore the large backup mysql file failed to share the solution

  • 2020-05-14 05:03:45
  • OfStack

Use the following method (navicat is used to manage mysql). After setting the values of the following parameters, it will be normal. The following statements can also be executed on the mysql console.
show variables like '%timeout%'; 
show variables like '%packet%'; 
set global max_allowed_packet=99328000; 
set global wait_timeout=2880000; 
set global interactive_timeout=2880000; 
-- wait_timeout=2880000 
-- interactive_timeout=2880000 
-- max_allowed_packet=100M 

PS: if it is on the server, you should remember to adjust these parameters back after recovery, otherwise the performance will degrade. Please find out the specific functions of these parameters by yourself.

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