When building a library mysql prompts the solution to the problem of Specified key was too long key length is 1000 bytes

  • 2020-05-13 03:41:43
  • OfStack

Index field length is too long,
1. Modify the field length
2. Modify mysql's default storage engine
Add default-storage-engine =INNODB under [mysqld] of /etc/mysql/ my.cnf
However, the INNODB engine was clearly indicated when building the library
Sql code

Check the current engine
mysql> show engines; 

There was no InnoDB
Check to see if dynamic loading is supported. The important thing is the have_dynamic_loading line. If it is YES, proceed
mysql>show variables like "have_%"; 

Installing a plug-in
mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN INNODB SONAME 'ha_innodb.so'; 
mysql> show engines; 

It is the first time for Mysql to build a library. There is still a difference between Mysql and Oracle. The following is a brief introduction to the process of building a library for Linux Mysql.

> CREATE USER 'bob'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; // create user bob.
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'bob'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
// set bob to log in locally and give all permissions to bob, because bob is the administrator!
// the user address can be localhost or ip, machine name, domain name. You can also use '%' to connect from any address.
> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; // refresh authorization
> CREATE DATABASE travel CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; // create the database travel and set it to utf8.
> quit

#mysql -uroot -p travel < travel201204100.sql // for convenience, I directly imported a piece of data. The password of root is empty by default, so it is directly followed by the database name.

Enter # mysql-ubob-p 123456

> SHOW DATABASES; // view the database
> select user host, password from mysql. user; //bob log in to see all existing users
> \S or SELECT CURRENT_USER(); // view the current user
> use travel;
> show tables;
> show grants; // check your permissions
> show grants for dba @ localhost; // view the permissions of dba
> revoke all on *.* from dba @localhost; // remove permissions from dba
> update user set password=password(" password ") where user='root' // modify root password
mysqladmin-uroot-p old password password new password // change root password
mysql-ubob-pbob192.168.19.182 travel // remote login to the Mysql database at 182

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