Under Linux mysql creates a new account and sets the permissions

  • 2020-05-13 03:40:58
  • OfStack

1. Authorization

Note: mysql is deployed on the server A, and the host B on the Intranet connects to the server A through the client tool for database operation. It requires the server A to grant the host B permission to operate mysql

1.1 enter mysql on server A, and assume that mysql's account on server A is root:
mysql - u root -p 

Then hit enter and type in your password!

1.2 grant the host B permission to operate the database
mysql> grant usage on *.* to username@ identified by 'password'; 

Note: give username@ the permission to use all the databases. Log in with the username account on host and the password is password
mysql> grant all privileges on newdb.* to username@; 

Note: give username@ the highest authority to operate newdb database, and use username account on host to log in without password

For example:
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to root@ identified by '123456' ; 

Note: give root@ permission to use all databases, and use root account on host Password: 123456

2. Remove your account
mysql> drop user root@; 

Note: account root has been removed so that host can no longer use the root user to operate the database on the server A

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