mysql5.5 master slave of Replication master slave configuration

  • 2020-05-10 23:03:27
  • OfStack

1 master 1 from:
OS:centos release 5.6 DB:mysql 5.5.8 IP:
OS:centos release 5.6 DB:mysql 5.5.8 IP:
Modify the host Master configuration file (/etc/ my.cnf)
// There must be at least server-id , and log-bin two  
// In order to use transactions InnoDB Maximum persistence and in replication 1 Sex, you should specify innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1,sync_binlog=1 options  

Create a user with replication privileges on host Master
mysql > create user repl_user@;
mysql > grant replication slave on *.* to repl_user@ identified by '123456';
Lock the host and record the location of the binary log (this will be used when setting the slave later)
mysql > flush tables with read lock;
mysal > show master status;
File: mysql-bin.000013 Position: 7863951
Copy the host database (test) to the slave
shell > /usr/bin/mysqldump test -uroot -padmin --opt | mysql test -uroot -padmin -h
Reopen the host Master write function
mysql > unlock tables;

Modify the slave Slave configuration file (/etc/ my.cnf)
server-id=2 // It must be 1 to 2 the 32 Between powers 1 Integer, and must be with the host Master the server-id Don't 1 sample  
replicate-do-db=test // Specify replication database  

The slave Slave initializes the copy
mysql > slave stop;
mysql > change master to master_host='',
- > master_user='repl_user',
- > master_password='123456',
- > master_log_file='mysql-bin.000013',
- > master_log_pos=7863951;
Open the copy
mysql > start slave;
View replication status
mysql > show slave status\G
Test copy:
Perform sql operations on the test database in host master, and check to see if the slave test database generates synchronization.

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