mysql copies the record implementation code

  • 2020-05-09 19:25:46
  • OfStack


INSERT INTO `table` ('id','aa','bb','cc') SELECT 'id','aa','bb','cc' FROM `table` (WHERE .....)


*  When copying a new record , It might be updated id Or partial data ( Assuming that id Student: self increasing ) 
* text_aa  For a fixed value  , You can assign variable values in script calls   Such as ($aa) 
*  Pay attention to 'text_aa'  with  `cc`  The difference between  ,1 Is the data ,1 Is the field  
INSERT INTO `table` (`id`,`aa`,`bb`,`cc` ) SELECT '','aa content ','bb Pay attention to cc Symbolic distinction ',`cc` FROM `table` (WHERE .....) 

* CONCAT(`bb`,' Additional information  -Copy') 
*  On the basis of extracting the original data , Add additional information  (windwos  I saw the copy below  Of all understand ) 
INSERT INTO `table` (`id`,`aa`,`bb`,`cc` ) SELECT '','aa content ',CONCAT(`bb`,' Additional information  -Copy'),`cc` FROM `table` (WHERE .....)

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