The wrong solution for MySQL 1303 is of navicat

  • 2020-05-09 19:25:36
  • OfStack

1303-Can 't create a PROCEDURE from within another stored routine.
This error message is difficult to understand, so carefully check the stored procedure content, there is no problem, the code is as follows:
declare v int default 0; 
while v < 4000000 
insert into TestMemory 
values (v,'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffasgeweeeeeeeeeeeeeg'); 
set v = v + 1; 
end while; 

After a bit of searching, it turns out that the simple problem is that when you create a stored procedure with a tool, you don't need this line: CREATE PROCEDURE addData(), which means you can execute it directly from the command line. So we get rid of the first row, and sure enough the problem is solved.

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