MongoDB multi condition fuzzy query sample code

  • 2020-12-18 01:58:43
  • OfStack


A fuzzy query is one of the basic operations of a database that implements whether a given string matches a specified pattern. If the characters match exactly, it can be represented by the = equals sign, and if the match is partial, it can be considered a fuzzy query. In relational data, the syntax of like '%fens%' is used through SQL. So how do we achieve the effect of fuzzy queries in mongodb?

Query conditions

关键字 说明
$or 或关系
$nor 或关系取反
$gt 大于
$gte 大于等于
$lt 小于
$lte 小于等于
$ne 不等于
$in 在多个值范围内
$nin 不在多个值范围内
$all 匹配数组中多个值
$regex 正则,用于模糊查询
$size 匹配数组大小
$maxDistance 范围查询,距离(基于LBS)
$mod 取模运算
$near 邻域查询,查询附近的位置(基于LBS)
$exists 字段是否存在
$elemMatch 匹配内数组内的元素
$within 范围查询(基于LBS)
$box 范围查询,矩形范围
$center 范围查询,圆形范围
$centerSphere 范围查询,球形范围
$slice 查询字段集合中的元素(比如从第几个之后,第N到第M个元素)

Fuzzy query

Precise query

//Mongodb The database table 
const systemUser = require('../../models/user'); 

Multi-condition fuzzy query

//Mongodb The database table 
const systemUser = require('../../models/user');
// The key to query passed in from the front end 
var name =;
var page = || 1; // The current number of pages 
var limitNums = 10; // Specify each 1 The number of entries in the page query 
page = parseInt(page);
var skipNums = (page - 1) * limitNums; // Skip the specified number 
// Regular match  i Ignore case 
var reg = new RegExp(name, "i");
var _filter = {
 // Multi-field matching 
 $or: [
  {name: {$regex: reg}},
  {description: {$regex: reg}},
  {owner: {$regex: reg}},
// Skip the specified amount of data 
// Specify the from MongoDB Number of records read in. 


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