MongoDB Basic Primer for creating and deleting collections

  • 2020-11-26 19:02:32
  • OfStack

Create a collection

Syntax format

db.createCollection(name, {capped: <Boolean>, autoIndexId: <Boolean>, size: <number>, max <number>})

Parameters that

name: Name of the collection to be created options: Optional parameter that specifies options for memory size and indexes

options parameter description

参数名 参数类型 参数说明
capped 布尔 如果为 true,则创建固定集合。默认为不启用<br />固定集合是指有着固定大小的集合,当达到最大值时,它会自动覆盖最早的文档。<br />当该值为 true 时,必须指定 size 参数。
autoIndexId 布尔 如为 true,自动在 _id 字段创建索引。默认为 false
size 数值 为固定集合指定1个最大值 默认为没有限制。
如果 capped 为 true,也需要指定该字段。
max 数值 指定固定集合中包含文档的最大数量。

_id:mongodb automatically generates _id as the primary key when the document is created, but it is not autogenous
When a fixed collection is inserted into a document, MongoDB first checks the size field of the fixed collection, and then checks the max field.


Examples of usage

A fixed collection, myCollection, was created. The size of the entire collection space was 1024,000 KB, and the maximum number of documents was 10,000.

> use test
switched to db test
> db.createCollection("myCollection", {capped : true, autoIndexId : true, size : 1024000, max : 10000})
 "note" : "the autoIndexId option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
 "ok" : 1
> show collections

"note" : "the autoIndexId is deprecated will be removed in future release". The _id index is not officially approved and will be removed in future releases


In fact, in MongoDB, you don't need to create a collection. MongoDB automatically creates collections when you insert 1 document.

> show collections
> db.myCollection2.insert({"name":" Love is you ", "age":27})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> show collections

Delete the collection

Syntax format


collectionName is replaced with the collection name


The return value

The drop() method returns true if the selected collection was successfully deleted, or false if not.

The instance

> show collections
> db.myCollection2.drop()
> show collections


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