Under Mac install methods to configure mongodb and create users

  • 2020-10-23 20:20:46
  • OfStack


mongodb database believe needless to introduce, everyone not unfamiliar, once installed mongodb before for a long time, in an accidental circumstances be a bosses, landing directly came in first in alarm and the operation, then I found myself not locking the database, and after installation mongodb enabled by default when the default is any ip can don't need a password to access directly.

All right, without further ado, let's get to the main text of the day

Install mongodb

There are three ways to install mongodb:

1. Download and install directly

MongoDB offers a 64-bit installation package for OSX, which you can download from the OSX website.

Download address: [https: / / www. mongodb. com/download - center # community] [1]

2. Install via curl which comes with mac

#  Enter the  /usr/local
cd /usr/local
#  download 
sudo curl -O https://fastdl.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.2.tgz
#  Unpack the 
sudo tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.2.tgz
#  rename  mongodb  directory 
sudo mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.2 mongodb

3. Install via brew

sudo brew install mongodb

New log file, mongodb configuration file and database storage path

(Add sudo to the command if the following folder is not created successfully or if you are prompted to do not have permissions)

# Enter the mac The root directory 
cd /mongoData

# New folder mongoData
mkdir mongoData

# new 3 The folders are respectively db( Store database data ) . etc(mongodb The configuration file ) . logs( The log file )
mkdir db etc logs

 in etc and log Next, create a configuration file and a log file, respectively 
cd etc
touch mongo.conf
cd logs 
touch mongo.log

Next, modify the configuration file for mongodb

#vim Edit configuration file 
vim mongo.conf

mongdb has a lot of config file fields, so Let me show you my config file

# Database path 

# Log output file path 

# The error log is in append mode, after this option is configured mongodb The log is appended to an existing log file instead of being created from scratch 1 A new file 

# Enable log files, enabled by default 

# This option can be filtered out 1 Some useless log information, if you need to debug use please set to false

# Whether the background starts, has this parameter, may realize the background to run 

# The port number   The default is 27017

# Specify the storage engine (not required by default) 

# Open the certification 
auth = true

Copy the above configuration fields in and save them

Start the mongodb

# Enter the mongdb The installation directory 
cd /usr/local/mongodb/bin

# Start as a configuration file mongdb
./mongod -f /mongoData/etc/mongo.conf

The presence of successful indicates that the service has started successfully

Configure the superuser and user

# Enter the mongodb

# use admin The database 
use admin

# View all the databases 
show dbs

Not surprisingly, it will indicate no permissions because we started mongodb as a configuration file, and in the configuration file we turned on authentication and set the auth field to true

At this point we should start configuring users

Create a super administrator user

use admin
db.createUser({user:"admin",pwd:"password",roles:["root"]}) //admin This database is the system's own database, its users can access any other database data, also known as the super administrator 
db.auth("admin","password") // => 1  Indicates that the authentication has passed  0 Indicates verification failure 
show dbs //=>admin 0.000GB blog 0.000GB config 0.000GB 

This shows you all the databases

Create a regular user (a user of a database)

use admin //=> Enter the admin The database 
db.auth("admin","password") //=>  Verified by super administrator 
use blog
db.createUser({user: "blog", pwd: "password", roles: [{ role: "dbOwner", db: "blog" }]})
show dbs => admin 0.000GB blog 0.000GB config 0.000GB local 0.000GB

This creates a separate account for the database blog, with the account blog and password password

One thing to note here is that when creating a normal database user, create it after the super administrator has verified it


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