Mongodb installation and configuration notes

  • 2020-05-14 05:20:02
  • OfStack

1. Copy Mongodb to the specified server

To mongodb http official website: / / www mongodb. org/mongodb downloads download, unzip and install directory to need to server, and configure. Such as:

[root@SHNHDX17-165 ~]# scp -r root@ data/web/

The mongodb directory copy will be placed in the ~/data/web directory of the server.

2. Establish data and log directories

Enter the mongodb root directory, create a new data directory to store data, a new log directory to store logs, and then create a new log file in that directory, for example, mongodb.log.

[root@SHNHDX17-165 mongodb]# mkdir data [root@SHNHDX17-165 mongodb]# mkdir logs [root@SHNHDX17-165 mongodb]# cd logs [root@SHNHDX17-165 logs]# touch mongodb.log

3. Create configuration files

In the mongodb root directory, create a new configuration file with any name, such as mongodb.conf, and then add the configuration information in the configuration file:

port=27017 [represents the port number, which defaults to if not specified 27017 】 dbpath=/root/data/web/mongodb/data/ [database path] logpath=/root/data/web/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log [log path] logappend=true Log files are automatically accumulated, not overwritten.

4. Start the Mongodb service (according to the configuration file)

Execute the command

[root@SHNHDX17-165 mongodb]# ./bin/mongod -f mongodb.conf

The following information will appear:

all output going to: /root/data/web/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log

5. Use the client to connect to the database

Restart one terminal and switch to the mongodb directory

[root@SHNHDX17-164 ~]# cd data/web/mongodb

Then enter

[root@SHNHDX17-164 mongodb]# bin/mongo localhost:27017 MongoDB shell version: 2.4.5 connecting to: localhost:27017/test Server has startup warnings: Fri Nov 8 13:05:59.823 [initandlisten] Fri Nov 8 13:05:59.823 [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine. Fri Nov 8 13:05:59.823 [initandlisten] ** We suggest launching mongod like this to avoid performance problems: Fri Nov 8 13:05:59.823 [initandlisten] ** numactl --interleave=all mongod [other options] Fri Nov 8 13:05:59.823 [initandlisten] >

Connection successful.

6. Configure self-boot (optional)

Set to boot Mongodb automatically

[root@SHNHDX17-165 ~]# echo "/root/data/web/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /root/data/web/mongodb/mongodb.conf -fork " >> /etc/rc.local

Setting environment variables

vi ~/.bash_profile PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:/root/data/web/mongodb/bin

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