MongoDB tutorial (including installation common commands related concepts usage tips common operations etc.)

  • 2020-05-09 19:33:27
  • OfStack

1. Installation and configuration
MongoDB official download station is http: / / www mongodb. org/downloads, can go to download the latest installer above
Installation of Windows platform
● step 1: download MongoDB
      click the official download address at the top and download the Windows version

● step 2: set the MongoDB program to a directory
After downloading      , unzip to the custom folder, e.g. D:\mongodb\

● step 3: set the data file directory
      create db and logs folders (equivalent to bin) in D:\mongodb\ directory,
      then creates the mongodb.log log file in the logs folder

● step 4: start the MongoDB service as the Windows service

// Enter the cmd The console
D:/mongodb/bin>mongod.exe --logpath D:/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log --logappend
                          --dbpath D:/mongodb/db
                          --serviceName MongoDB
--directoryperdb Specify each DB Will the new 1 A directory

Once the installation is complete, you can start and stop MongoDB with the net start MongoDB and net stop MongoDB commands from cmd
● step 5: client connection verification
      open cmd and type: D:/mongodb/bin > mongo.exe

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test

Installation of Linux platform
● step 1: download MongoDB
      click the official download address above and download the Linux version

● step 2: set up the MongoDB program directory
Once the       download is complete, unzip it to the custom folder, e.g. /usr/local/mongo

● step 3: set the data file directory
      create the /data/db and /data/logs folders, and then create the mongodb.log log files in the logs folder

● step 4: start the MongoDB service and start it randomly as the Linux service

vi /etc/rc.local // use vi The editor opens the configuration file and adds the following 1 Lines of code
/usr/local/mongo/bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/db/ --logpath=/data/logs/mongodb.log --logappend& 

When the installation is complete, you can finish with pkill mongod
2. Logical structure of data
● MongoDB document (document), equivalent to one row in a relational database.
● multiple documents make up a collection (collection), which is equivalent to a table in a relational database.
● multiple collections (collection), logically organized from 1, is the database (database).
● multiple databases are supported for one instance of MongoDB (database).
● default port: 27017
3. Common commands
Select database
use persons

Display current database
db  ||  db.getName()

Delete current database

Displays the collection Collections under the current database

show tables || show collections

Displays the current system.profile

show profile

Displays the user Users under the current database

show users

Add user

db.addUser(username, password)

Delete user


4. The index ensureIndex ()

// Normal index
db.factories.insert({name: "xyz", metro: {city: "New York", state: "NY"}});
// Document index
db.factories.ensureIndex({metro : 1});
// Embedded index
db.factories.ensureIndex({"": 1});
// Composite index
db.things.ensureIndex({name: -1, qty: 1});
// only 1 The index
db.user.ensureIndex({firstname: 1, lastname: 1}, {unique: true});
/* when 1 A record is inserted into only 1 When indexing a document, the missing fields will be null The document is inserted for the default values */{lastname: "Smith"});
// The following operation will fail because firstname There are only 1 Sex index, the value is null{lastname: "Jones"});
// View index
// Delete all indexes
// Drop a single index
db.collection.dropIndex({x: 1, y: -1});

5. Add, delete, change, check, etc

// Definition document
>doc = {
    "_id"      : 1,
    "author"   : "sam",
    "title"    : "i love you",
    "text"     : "this is a test",
    "tags"     : [ "love", "test" ],
    "comments" : [
                   { "author" : "jim", "comment" : "yes" },
                   { "author" : "tom", "comment" : "no" }
// Inserted into the document
> db.posts.insert(doc);
// Find the document
> db.posts.find({'':'jim'});

Query Query

// All records in the query collection: 
// Query out all " last_name " Attribute values for " Smith " Document record
db.users.find({'last_name': 'Smith'})

Query options

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
Conditional expression
1) < , < =, > , > =

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
The $all operation is similar to the $in operation, but the $all operation requires that all the values in the array be included in the returned record

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
The $exists operation checks to see if a field exists

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
The $mod operation allows us to simply take a module

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
$ne means not equal to (not equal)

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
connecting to: test
The $in operation is similar to IN in a traditional relational database
// The database has records for all arrays  
> db.user.find( { _id : { $in : [ 2, 3 ] } } ).limit(5);
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "user2", "userid" : 2, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "user3", "userid" : 3, "age" : 20 }

$nin is the opposite of the $in operation

// deducted _id = 1/2/3/4 The record of
> db.user.find( { _id : { $nin : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } } ).limit(5);
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 5, "name" : "user5", "userid" : 5, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "user6", "userid" : 6, "age" : 20 }

> db.user.find( { $or : [ { _id : 2 }, { name : 'user3' }, { userid : 4 } ] } ).limit(5); 
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "user2", "userid" : 2, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "user3", "userid" : 3, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "user4", "userid" : 4, "age" : 20 }

$nor is the opposite of $or
> db.user.find( { $nor : [ { _id : 2 }, { name : 'user3' }, { userid : 4 } ] } ).limit(4); 
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "user1", "userid" : 1, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 5, "name" : "user5", "userid" : 5, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "user6", "userid" : 6, "age" : 20 }

The $size operation will query the array length equal to the array of input parameters
> db.things.find(); 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de73360059e7f4bdf907cfe"), "a" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
> db.things.find( { a : { $size : 3 } } );
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de73360059e7f4bdf907cfe"), "a" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
> db.things.find( { a : { $size : 2 } } );
> db.things.find( { a : { $size : 1 } } );

> db.mycollection.find( { $where : function() { return this.a == 3 || this.b == 4; } } ); 
// Ditto effect
> db.mycollection.find( function() { return this.a == 3 || this.b == 4; } );

$type will retrieve the data based on the BSON type of the field

// return a Is a record of a string
> db.things.find( { a : { $type : 2 } } );
// return a is int Type record
> db.things.find( { a : { $type : 16 } } );

Type name mapping

Low Double: 1
Low String: 2
Low Object: 3
Low Array: 4
● Binary data: 5
● Object id: 7
Low Boolean: 8
Low Date: 9
Low Null: 10
● Regular expression: 11
● JavaScript code: 13
Low Symbol: 14
● JavaScript code with scope: 15
● 32-bit integer: 16
Low Timestamp: 17
● 64-bit integer: 18
● Min key: 255
● Max key: 127

Mongodb also supports regular expression retrieval

// retrieve name Attribute is u At the beginning, 4 End of all users
> db.user.find( { name : /u.*4$/i } ).limit(2);
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "user4", "userid" : 4, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 14, "name" : "user14", "userid" : 14, "age" : 20 }
// A query statement with the same effect
> db.user.find( { name : { $regex : 'u.*4$', $options : 'i' } } ).limit(2);
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "user4", "userid" : 4, "age" : 20 }
{ "_id" : 14, "name" : "user14", "userid" : 14, "age" : 20 }
// Cooperate with other operations 1 The use
> db.user.find( { name : { $regex : 'u.*4$', $options : 'i', $nin : [ 'user4' ] } } ).limit(2);
{ "_id" : 14, "name" : "user14", "userid" : 14, "age" : 20 }

The sorting
An ascending sort by the last_name property returns all documents

//1 Is the ascending order, -1 According to descending order
db.users.find( {} ).sort( { last_name : 1 } );

// Grammar: {
       cond     : {filed : conditions},
       key      : {filed: true},
       initial  : {count: 0, total_time:0},
       reduce   : function(doc, out){ },
       finalize : function(out){}
} );
Parameter description:
   Key         : proceed to that field
   Group Cond  : query conditions
   Initial     Initialization: group counter
   Reduce      : usually do statistical operation
   Finalize    : statistics are usually carried out 1 Step operations, such as averaging Keyf : 1 Three functions to return 1 An alternative KEY The value of the
// example
> {
       cond     : { "invoked_at.d" : { $gte : "2009-11", $lt : "2009-12" } },
       key      : {http_action: true},
       initial  : {count: 0, total_time:0},
       reduce   : function( doc, out ){ out.count++; out.total_time += doc.response_time },
       finalize : function(out){ out.avg_time = out.total_time / out.count } } );
    "http_action" : "GET /display/DOCS/Aggregation",
    "count"       : 1,
    "total_time"  : 0.05,
    "avg_time"    : 0.05

Deduplication is similar to Distinct in a relational database

> db.addresses.insert( { "zip-code" : 10010 } ) 
> db.addresses.insert( { "zip-code" : 10010 } )
> db.addresses.insert( { "zip-code" : 99701 } )
> db.addresses.distinct("zip-code");
[ 10010, 99701 ]
> //command model :
> db.runCommand( { distinct: 'addresses', key: 'zip-code' } )
{ "values" : [ 10010, 99701 ] }
> { "user" : { "points" : 25 } } )
> { "user" : { "points" : 31 } } )
> { "user" : { "points" : 25 } } )
> db.comments.distinct("user.points");
[ 25, 31 ]

Mongodb supports the skip and limit commands for paging queries

use persons
use persons
The count() method returns the total number of query records
use persons
use persons
Delete Delete
The Remove operation is used to delete records from the collection
use persons
Update Update
use persons
Parameter description:
      Criteria: object used to set query conditions
      Objnew    : object used to set the update content
      Upsert    : if the record already exists, update it, otherwise add a new record
      Multi      : if there are multiple eligible records, update them all note: by default, only the first eligible record is updated
use persons

{ $inc : { field : value } } // the field The value of the add 1 a value
> db.user.findOne( { _id : 0 } );
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 22 }
> db.user.update( { _id : 0 }, { $inc : { age : 1 } } );
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 23 }


{ $set : { field : value } } 
// the field Is set to value when field When it doesn't exist, it increases 1 A field,
// similar SQL the set Operation, value Support all types
// Put the above age Change back to 20
> db.user.update( { _id : 0 }, { $set : { age : 20 } } );
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 20 }
// when field When it doesn't exist, it increases 1 A field
> db.user.update( { _id : 0 }, { $set : { sex : 'boy' } } );
{ "_id" : 0, "sex" : "boy", "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 20 }


{ $unset : { field : 1} } // Deletes the given field field
// Delete the 1 Step increase of sex field
> db.user.update( { _id : 0 }, { $unset : { sex : 1 } } );
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "user0", "userid" : 0, "age" : 20 }


{ $push : { field : value } }
// if filed is 1 Two existing arrays, so let's say value Additional to field
// if field It didn't exist before, so add it field The fields, value The value is assigned to field
// if field Yes, but no 1 I'm going to make an error
> { _id : 0 }, { $push : { aihao : 'football' } } );

db  ||  db.getName()

{ $addToSet : { field : value } }
// if filed is 1 Two existing arrays, and value It's not one of them value Add to array
// if filed It doesn't exist, so let's say value As a 1 I'm going to assign it in array form field
// if field is 1 Two existing non-array types, and an error will be reported


{ $pop : { field : 1 } }   // Delete the end of the array 1 An element
{ $pop : { field : -1 } }  // Deletes the first in the array 1 An element


{ $pull : { field : _value } }
// if field is 1 Array, then delete matches _value Retrieve a record of conditions
// if field is 1 Two nonarrays that already exist, then an error will be reported


{ $pullAll : { field : value_array } } // with $push Similar, just value The data type is 1 An array


{ $rename : { old_field_name : new_field_name } 
// Rename the specified field name from 1.7.2 Support started after version
> db.user.update( { _id : 0 } , { $rename : { 'quantity' : 'qty'}});

Special operator: $

The $operator represents the first entry in the query record that matches the condition

// case 1
> db.t.find()
  "_id"      : ObjectId("4b97e62bf1d8c7152c9ccb74"),
  "title"    : "ABC",
  "comments" : [
                 { "by" : "joe", "votes" : 3 },
                 { "by" : "jane", "votes" : 7 }
> db.t.update( { '' : 'joe' }, { $inc : { 'comments.$.votes' : 1 } }, false, true )
> db.t.find()
  "_id"      : ObjectId("4b97e62bf1d8c7152c9ccb74"),
  "title"    : "ABC",
  "comments" : [
                 { "by" : "joe", "votes" : 4 },
                 { "by" : "jane", "votes" : 7 }
// case 2
> db.t.find();
  "_id" : ObjectId("4b9e4a1fc583fa1c76198319"),
  "x"   : [ 1, 2, 3, 2 ]
> db.t.update( { x : 2 }, { $inc : { "x.$": 1 } }, false, true);
> db.t.find();
  "_id" : ObjectId("4b9e4a1fc583fa1c76198319"),
  "x"   : [ 1, 3, 3, 2 ]
// In an array $ Cooperate with $unset operation Instead of deleting the matched element, the effect is to change the matched element to null , such as:
> db.t.insert( { x: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 ] } )
> db.t.find()
  "_id" : ObjectId("4bde2ad3755d00000000710e"),
  "x"   : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 ]
> db.t.update( { x : 3 }, { $unset : { "x.$" : 1 } } )
> t.find()
  "_id" : ObjectId("4bde2ad3755d00000000710e"),
  "x"   : [ 1, 2, null, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 ]

Graphical management tool
MongoDB has several graphical management tools for reference:

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