mongodb replica set adds two ways to remove nodes

  • 2020-05-07 20:37:16
  • OfStack

1. Use rs.reconfig to add and delete nodes

1. Add a node

repmore:PRIMARY> config = {_id:"repmore",members:[{_id:0,host:'',priority :2},{_id:1,host:'',priority:1}]};  // Add a node  
repmore:PRIMARY> rs.reconfig(config);  // Enable configuration  
repmore:PRIMARY> rs.status();   // View node status  

Node added successfully.
Note: the replSet of the new node should be the same as other nodes

2. Delete the node

repmore:PRIMARY> config = {_id:"repmore",members:[{_id:0,host:'',priority :2}]};   // Remove nodes  
repmore:PRIMARY> rs.reconfig(config);  // Enable configuration  
repmore:PRIMARY> rs.status();  // View node status  

2. Add and delete nodes using rs.add and rs.remove

repmore:PRIMARY> rs.add("");   // Add a node  
repmore:PRIMARY> rs.remove(""); // Delete section  

Note: rs.add and rs.remove are used without rs.reconfig.

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