What to do after installing Ubuntu 20.04 of White Tutorial

  • 2021-08-12 04:16:23
  • OfStack

Ubuntu 20.04 was released, which brought many new features and still brought many unaccustomed things, so after installing the system, a series of optimizations should be carried out.

1. Delete libreoffice

Although libreoffice is open source, but Java written out of office implementation efficiency is really not flattering, after installing the system decisively deleted

sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-common

2. Delete the basically unused self-contained software (it is too late to install it when using it)

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

sudo apt-get remove onboard deja-dup

In this way, the system is basically clean.

3. Install Vim

Actually, there is no integrated Vim artifact by default, so it can only be installed manually.

sudo apt-get install vim

4. Set the time to use UTC

sudo vim /etc/default/rcS 

Replace UTC=no with UTC=yes

5. Install Chrome

Download the latest installation files at https://dl. google. com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64. deb.

And then

sudo apt-get install libappindicator1 libindicator7
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb 
sudo apt-get -f install

In this way, apt can install and update chrome browser in the future.

6. Install the Sogou input method

vim/etc/apt/sources. list. d/ubuntukylin. list file, adding apt source of ubuntu kylin

deb http://archive.ubuntukylin.com:10006/ubuntukylin trusty main

And then

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sogoupinyin

In this way, apt can install and update sogou input method.

7. Install WPS Office

At present, MS1 can't directly produce Office version of Linux, so we can only make do with WPS

sudo apt-get install wps-office 

8. Install Oracle Java

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer 

Since the system comes with OpenJDK, it will have residue after uninstalling OpenJDK, resulting in running

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

When the first line is not the version number of java, it will be the prompt of Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:-javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag. jar, which causes many scripts that detect the version number of java to run incorrectly, so it is necessary to manually clear the residues.

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

Delete the /usr/share/upstart/sessions/jayatana. conf file, and then run java-version after restarting, and there will be no Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:-javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag. jar prompt.

9. Install Sublime Text 3

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

10. Install the Classic Menu Indicator

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator

11. Install System Indicator SysPeek

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

12. Customize the DNS Server IP address for the DHCP network
sudo vim/etc/dhcp/dhclient. conf file, at line 21 # prepend domain-name-servers 127.0. 0.1; Add the following 2 lines using aliyun and 114 DNS to the next 1 line

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

In this way, dns of aliyun is used first, and DNS of 114 is used second.

13. Installing git and vpnc

git and vpn everyone knows, programmer's good tool.

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

14. Install axel

axel is the command line interface of Linux multithreaded download tool, compared to wget advantage is that you can specify multiple threads at the same time in the command line terminal download files.

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

After installation, you can download it with multiple threads instead of wget.

15. Install openssh-server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

After installation, you can log in remotely with ssh tool under Win. Of course, there is one more security hazard. If you don't want to log in remotely, you can not install openssh-server.

16. Installing CMake and Qt Creator

CMake and Qt Creator are artifacts for developing C + + programs under Linux, and Ubuntu 20.04 has integrated the latest version of Qt Creator.

sudo apt-get remove thunderbird totem rhythmbox empathy brasero simple-scan gnome-mahjongg aisleriot gnome-mines cheese transmission-common gnome-orca webbrowser-app gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install

17. Install lnav

The lnav tool is an artifact for viewing logs in the terminal interface

sudo apt-get install lnav

After installation, the log can be displayed in lnav color in the terminal.

18. Install unrar

By default, the system does not have the function of extracting rar files, and the unrar program is installed manually

sudo apt-get install unrar

After loading, you can extract rar files with commands.

Use the following command to unzip the file to the current directory.

unrar x test.rar

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