Linux realizes real time synchronization of local and remote data through Rsync+Inotify

  • 2021-07-26 09:13:05
  • OfStack

0x0 test environment

Headquarters production server and branch backup server require remote data backup, and the environment is as follows

**centos 6.5**
Production Server Directory:/home/zytest/files
Backup Server Directory:/home/zytest/files
User/Password: zytest/zytest

Establishment of 0x1 production server environment

0x 1.1 Install gcc compiler and rsync

yum install gcc rsync -y

0x 1. 2 Copy inotify to server and unzip

cd /root
tar xfvz inotify-tools-3.13.tar.gz

0x1. 3 Install in inotify Directory

 cd inotify-tools-3.13
 make install     
 /usr/local/bin/inotifywait ## Check whether the installation is successful 

0x2 Backup Server Environment Construction

0x 2.1 Install xinetd and rsync

yum install xinetd rsync -y

0x3 The following two servers operate synchronously

useradd -u 600 zytest 
 passwd zytest    
 su - zytest -c 'mkdir /home/zytest/files' ## Create Synchronization Directory 

Configuring rsyncd on 0x4 Backup Server

0x4.1 Edit/etc/xinetd. d/rsync is modified as follows

disable	 = yes  ==> disable	= no
flags		 = IPv6  ==> flags		= IPv4
server_args = --daemon ==> server_args = --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd.conf

0x4.2 Edit/etc/rsyncd. conf and add the following script information

uid = root
gid = root
use chroot = no
max connections = 1000
strict mode = yes
port = 873
pid file = /var/run/ 
lock file = /var/run/rsyncd.lock 
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
# following for user "zytest", change for other users
path = /home/zytest
ignore errors
auth users =zytest
secrets file = /home/
read only = no
list = false

Ps: The rsyncd configuration file is on xinetd, so the backup server installs xinetd

0x4.3 Writes the password to the invoked password file and gives permission

echo zytest:zytest >> /home/
chmod 600 /home/ 

0x4.4 Start rsync through xinetd

 /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

0x5 Configuring the inosync script file on the primary server

0x5.1 ** # # Edit/root/inosync Add Script Code**

#chkconfig: 3 78 10

#This file exist from compile
if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/inotifywait ]
 echo "cannot start. file inotifywait NOT exist!"

#This file is runnable shell script
if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/ ]
 echo "contact administrator. NOT exist!"

case "$1" in
 /usr/local/bin/ &

 pid=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep "inotifywait" | awk '{print $2}'`
 kill -9 $pid 2>&1

 $0 stop
 $0 start


0x5.2 Give script permissions and set boot

chmod a+x /root/inosync
 cp /root/inosync /etc/rc.d/init.d

0x5.3 Main script file for configuration invocation/root/inosync. so.1

rhost=** Backup server IP**
#dst corresponding to [zytest] in file /etc/rsyncd.conf on dst server
/usr/local/bin/inotifywait -mrq --timefmt '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S' --format '%T %w%f %e' -e close_write,create,move,delete,attrib $src | while read files
 echo == rsync begin == >> $log
 rsync -avP --password-file=/home/ --delete $src $user@$rhost::$dst >> $log 2>&1
 echo -- rsyncd -- >> $log
 date >> $log
 echo "${files} was rsynced " >> $log 2>&1

PS: Space after% T and space between% f and% e

0x5.4 Grant inosync. so.1 script permissions and copy the/usr/local/bin

chmod a+x /root/
cp /root/ /usr/local/bin

0x5. 5 Writes the password to the invoked password file and gives permission

useradd -u 600 zytest 
 passwd zytest    
 su - zytest -c 'mkdir /home/zytest/files' ## Create Synchronization Directory 

0x6 Target server sets inosync to start automatically and starts inosync service

useradd -u 600 zytest 
 passwd zytest    
 su - zytest -c 'mkdir /home/zytest/files' ## Create Synchronization Directory 

0x7 Test END

Create files and folders in the production server/home/zytest/files directory and see if the backup store also synchronizes the files and folders. Synchronization is successful.

Procedures can be viewed through logs

useradd -u 600 zytest 
 passwd zytest    
 su - zytest -c 'mkdir /home/zytest/files' ## Create Synchronization Directory 


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