Linux yum Package Management Method

  • 2021-06-28 14:51:06
  • OfStack

brief introduction

yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is an Shell front-end package manager in Fedora, RedHat and SUSE.Based on RPM package management, RPM packages can be downloaded and installed automatically from the specified server, dependencies can be handled automatically, and all dependent packages can be installed once without the cumbersome download and installation of one time.yum provides commands to find, install, delete one, one, or even all packages, which are concise and easy to remember.

yum command


yum [Options] [Action to be performed] [Package name...]

Command options:

-h: Help

-y: When prompted during installation, select All as "yes"

-q: Do not show the installation process

Common yum commands

1. List all updatable software inventory commands: yum check-update

2. Update all software commands: yum update / yum - y update (-y upgrades all packages, changes software settings and system settings, system version kernel upgrades)/ yum - y upgrade (upgrade all packages, do not change software settings and system settings, system version upgrade, kernel unchanged)

3. Install only specified software commands: yum install [package name]

4. Update only specified software commands: yum update [package name]

5. List all safe software list commands: yum list

6. Delete package command: yum remove [package name]

7. Find Package Command: yum search [Package Name]

8. Clear Cache Command: yum clean packages: Clear Packages from Cache Directory / yum clean headers: Clear headers / yum clean oldheaders from Cache Directory: Clear Old headers / yum clean from Cache Directory, yum clean all (= yum clean packages);yum clean oldheaders): Clear packages and old headers from the cache directory

9. Query if a software yum list | grep [software name] needs to be installed

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