Aliyun Server ubuntu configuration tutorial

  • 2020-12-09 01:15:00
  • OfStack

Because ali cloud import custom ubuntu mirror need to open the OSS snapshot is charge (it is not expensive, but it's also very troublesome, and he has configured mirror want to import need transformation format, there is not used, so the trouble points directly in the original ubuntu ali cloud directly the content of the configuration needed.

First of all, the default version of Aliyun server ubuntu is version 14.04, so you need to log in to Aliyun, enter the console -ESC instance - management - pause server - update system disk (more options for configuration information block) - Public image - here I choose the 64-bit version of ubuntu16.04 (the highest version of Aliyun public image, ubuntu16.04).

0. Install sudo

apt-get install sudo

1. Set up users

Create a user

useradd -m -s /bin/bash 用户名

Set the password

sudo passwd 用户名

When complete, there will be an additional directory in the home directory named after the user

Set root permissions for ordinary users

Gets permission to write to sudoers

chmod u+w /etc/sudoers

(VIM 1 some basic operation i switch input mode, esc switch command mode, command mode input :wq save exit)

Enter the VIM

vim /etc/sudoers

Add this line 1 below root and save to exit

User name ALL=(ALL) ALL

Unwrite sudoers

chmod u-w /etc/sudoers

2. Download python3.x (to download the higher version)

ubuntu16.04 comes with python2.7 and python3.5.2. Here we will use 3.5.2

3. Install and configure the virtual environment

Download package

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

Then log in with the newly created user, in this case Xshell5

Create a directory to hold the virtual environment

Install the directory that holds the virtual environment

mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs

(ls-ES94en will query the hidden file under /home/ username directory)

Open the.bashrc file and add 2 lines of code

sudo vim ~/.bashrc,输入密码

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

After saving and exiting, then run source ~/.bashrc

4. Create the default python3.ES109en

Query the path for python

which python3.5

Return results: / usr bin/python3. 5

New virtual environment

mkvirtualenv-p python path virtual environment name

Example: mkvirtualenv p/usr bin/python3. 5 dj

The virtual environment is automatically activated every time the virtual machine is turned on

The virtual machine runs.bashrc every time you boot it up, so just edit.bashrc

vim ~/.bashrc

Enter in the last line 1

workon virtual environment name

Example: workon dj


Note: python in the virtual environment is 3.5.2 by default and 2.7.12 outside the virtual environment

Query the python version

python -V

Exit the virtual environment


Enter the virtual environment

workon virtual environment name

View your existing virtual environment



Some of the django configuration will be updated in the near future


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