linux nohup and ES2en ES3en usage

  • 2020-11-18 06:36:03
  • OfStack

When starting weblogic for an linux server, 1 typically executes nohup. /startWeblogic under the bin directory &
So how is it different from the regular./startWeblogic?

Explain the nohup command first

Here's the official explanation:

nohup command

Purpose: To run commands without hanging up.

Grammar: nohup Command [Arg...] [ & ]

Description: the nohup command runs the command specified by the Command parameter and any associated Arg parameter, ignoring all hang up (SIGHUP) signals. Run the program in the background using the nohup command after logout. To run nohup in the background, add & (symbol for "and") to the end of the command.

Whether or not the output of the nohup command is redirected to the terminal, the output is appended to the nohup.out file in the current directory. If the nohup.out file in the current directory is not writable, the output is redirected to the $HOME/ nohup.out file. The command specified by the Command parameter cannot be invoked if no file can be created or opened for append. If standard error is 1 terminal, redirect all output from the specified command to standard error to the same file descriptor as standard output.

Exit status: This command returns the following export values:

126 can find but cannot call the command specified by the Command parameter.

An error occurred in the nohup command or the command specified by the Command parameter could not be found.

Otherwise, the exit state of the nohup command is the exit state of the command specified by the Command argument.

The nohup command and its output file

nohup command: If you are running a process and you don't think it will end when you exit your account, use the nohup command. This command will continue to run the process after you have logged out of the account/closed the terminal. nohup means not to hang up (n ohang up).

The general form of this command is: nohup command &

Submit the job using the nohup command

If a job is submitted using the nohup command, by default all output from the job is redirected to a file named ES83en.out, unless the output file is specified otherwise:

nohup command > myout.file 2 > & 1 &

In the above example, the output is redirected to the myout.file file.

So use nohup./startWeblogic & Is used to suspend execution in the background of the process and to see weblogic running in the nohup.out directory

To view the log, enter ES109en-ES110en ES111en.out in the directory, where tail is to see the end of the file, because ES114en.out is constantly updated, so use ES116en-ES117en to see the updated content

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