Linux ZooKeeper Distributed Cluster Installation tutorial

  • 2020-06-23 02:31:26
  • OfStack

ZooKeeper is a zookeeper. It is used to manage Hadoop (elephants), Hive (bees) and pig (piglets). Apache Hbase, Apache Solr and Dubbo all use ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper is a distributed, open source program coordination service that is a sub-project of the Hadoop project. The main application scenarios of ZooKeeper include cluster management (master-slave management, load balancing, highly available management), centralized management of configuration files, distributed locking, registry, etc. In real projects, ZooKeeper was installed in a distributed cluster to ensure high availability, requiring at least three nodes, as detailed below.

Here Linux chooses CentOS 7.2.

# wget -P /usr/local
# cd /usr/local
# tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz
# cd zookeeper-3.4.10
# mkdir data
# mkdir logs
# vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local  // Configuration starts from startup 

Append the following configuration:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk
/usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/ start

We deployed an ZooKeeper process on three different servers to form an ZooKeeper cluster. The three ZooKeeper processes use the same ES28en.ES29en configuration:

# cd /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/conf
# cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg             // Copy configuration file 
# vim zoo.cfg

Modify the configuration as follows:

#  Configure the directory where the snapshot files will be stored 
# zk The service process is listening TCP port 
# 2888:ZooKeeper Ports on which services communicate ,3888:ZooKeeper Ports to communicate with other applications 
# server.1: Indicates which server number this is 

Then, under the dataDir directory of 3 servers, create 1 myid file with contents of 1, 2, 3, respectively. We then started the ZooKeeper process on each of the three machines, so we got the ZooKeeper cluster up. As follows:

# cd /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/data
# echo 1 >>myid                    // create myid File and write 1
# /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/ start  // The background to start ZooKeeper

There are a few other commands as follows:

# /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/ stop   // Shut down ZooKeeper
# /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/ status  // View service status 
# /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/ start-foreground  // The front desk to start the 

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