CentOS7 installation tutorial for Docker

  • 2020-05-24 06:41:32
  • OfStack

Docker profile

Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container and release them to any popular Linux machine, as well as virtualization. Containers are completely sandboxed and have no interfaces with each other. Docker USES the client-server (C/S) architectural pattern to manage and create Docker containers using remote API. The Docker container is created with an Docker image. The relationship between a container and an image is similar to that between objects and classes in object-oriented programming. Website address: http: / / www docker. com /

Docker installation

The system requires CentOS 7.X or above, kernel at least 3.10, 64-bit

1. Check the kernel version of uname and r

2, vi /etc/profile modify the agent Settings (if the agent needs to be set up). The content is as follows: ** is the password. Please avoid the @ symbol in the password.)


export https_proxy 
export http_proxy 
export ftp_proxy

3. yum update upgrade the local yum package

4, tee etc/yum. repos. d/docker repo < < -'EOF' adds yum warehouse configuration (see box below for content)


name=Docker Repository






5, yum install docker-engine install the docker package

6. service docker start start docker service

7, mkdir/etc/systemd/system/docker service. d

8, touch/etc/systemd/system/docker service. d/http - proxy. conf agent if required, add docker program agent content (see box below)

[Service]                           example   [Service]

Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.ip.com:80"           Enviroment= " HTTP_PROXY=http:// User name: password @ Agent address: port number" 

11, systemctl daemon - reload

12. systemctl restart docker (steps 11 and 12) To restart the docker operation)

13, docker run es1064en-world run the official image hello world file and verify the installation is successful.

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