Detail the whole process of CentOS SVN server setup and automatic deployment

  • 2020-05-24 06:40:04
  • OfStack

Server setup

Installation services

yum install subversion 

Configure the service

mkdir -p /data/wwwsvn/myrepo # create svn Inventory of warehouse  

Here you can customize the directory you created, note that it is not the site's file directory.

svnadmin create /data/wwwsvn/myrepo # Same as the directory above.  

Note here that the directory cannot be empty. Upon success, you will get the following files

# ls
conf db format hooks locks README.txt 

Enter conf to modify the configuration file

vi passwd Add at the end

# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret
youname = yourpassword # Your user and password  

vi authz Add at the end

yourname = rw 

vi svnserve.conf Close comments and modify variables

 anon-access = read # Anonymous user readable 
 auth-access = write # Authorized user writable 
 password-db = passwd # Which file to use as the account file 
 authz-db = authz # Which file to use as the permissions file 
 realm = /data/wwwsvn/myrepo #  Authenticates the space name, the directory where the version library is located, and the previous 1 sample 

Turn on and off services

 svnserve -d -r /data/wwwroot/myrepo # open 
 killall svnserve # Shut down 
 ps aux | grep svnserve # See if it runs 

Open port

This step is very important. If you have configured everything but cannot connect, then port 1 is not open. The default port is 3690.

iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 3690 -j ACCEPT # Open ports  
service iptables save # save  iptables  Rules (if you can't save them, use another method to save them)  

Client connection


Use TortoiseSVN,url to fill in svn:// your server ip, account password just set.


Use CornerStone and url to fill in svn:// your server ip, and fill in the password just set.

Automatic deployment

The hook post-commit is executed every time commit submits the code. According to this principle, you can modify post-commit so that the web directory on the server will automatically update every time someone commit.

cd /data/wwwsvn/myrepo/hooks # Your version repository directory  
cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit 
vi post-commit 

The following

mkdir -p /data/wwwsvn/myrepo # create svn Inventory of warehouse  

Everything else in the hook file can be discarded. You can comment them out.

This works only if your yourWebDir is already checkout

mkdir -p /data/wwwsvn/myrepo # create svn Inventory of warehouse  

So far, everything is done. Every time commit goes to the server, the website content will be updated automatically.

This is the first time since the server lost data last time.


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