The CentOS system temporarily disabled a user's method

  • 2020-05-13 04:19:10
  • OfStack


In the process of using CentOS system, if you do not want to delete the user, but only temporarily or temporarily prohibit a user from logging into the system, you can do this by the following two ways:

1, only the user's record from /etc/passwd Remove the file, leaving only its home directory and other files unchanged;

2, in /etc/passwd File (or /etc/shadow ), the first character of the user's passwd field can be preceded by a "*".

Note: this only disables a user. If you want to delete a user, the items you need to delete include:

1. /etc/passwd Relevant user records in the file;

2, /etc/group Information about the user in the file;

3. The user's home directory, 1 usually under /home;

4. Files created by or belonging to the user.

userdel The command is used to delete users and their home directories.

The format of the command is:

$ userdel [-r] username

-r Option: indicates that the user's home directory and its internal files will be deleted.


The above is all about the temporary banning of a user in the CentOS system. I hope the content of this article can bring you some help in your study or work. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to communicate.

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