Method to install and uninstall ftp under Linux

  • 2020-05-10 23:23:15
  • OfStack


ftp is one of the commonly used software under liunx.

1. Switch the user to root:su - ;

2. Check whether the machine has been installed ftp:rpm -qa|grep vsftpd;

    is not installed if it does not return any results. If the file package name is returned, it indicates that the service has been installed.

3. Start installation: yum install vsftp ; (the next steps might ask: Is that ok; , directly respond to yes); Once installed, Complete will be displayed!

4. Check again if ftp is installed: rpm -qa|grep vsftp;

5. Check whether the ftp configuration is on: chkconfig --list|grep vsftpd; All options returned should be off;

6. Open the ftp configuration item: chkconfig vsftpd on;

7. Check again if ftpshi is on: chkconfig --list|grep vsftp; Now, ftp should have on in one of the choices;

8. Restart ftp:service vsftpd restart ; (if the reboot fails, it may be a problem that the linux firewall is not closed. Close the firewall: chkconfig iptables off)

9. Restart again ftp:service vsftp restart, This should be ok;


  uninstall ftp:rpm -qa|grep vsftpd;0

I would like to share with you the experience of a netizen:

Under Linux, VSFTP installation package is used to build FTP file transfer service. The method is as follows:

1. Check if the VSFTP service is installed

rpm -qa|grep vsftpd

If not, install the VSFTP service

2. Mount the ISO image of the Linux system to /tmp

mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /tmp

3. Install the VSFTP service with the rpm command

cd /tmp/
rpm -ivh vsftpd-2.0.5-16.el5.i386.rpm

Install the package with the rpm command

4. Start the VSFTP service

Check the FTP service status
chkconfig --list|grep vsftpd
Start FTP service  
/etc/init.d/vsftpd start

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