11 tips for beginners to learn the Linux system

  • 2020-05-10 23:22:05
  • OfStack

As the application of Linux expands, many friends begin to contact Linux. Based on the experience of learning Windwos, they often feel at a loss: they don't know where to start. Here are some tips for learning Linux.

1. Start with the basics: it is common for some friends to ask questions on Linux, but most of the questions are very basic. For example, when I used a command, the system told me that I could not find the directory, and how to limit the user's permission, etc. These problems are not very difficult in fact, as long as I know the basics of Linux, it should be easy to solve this problem. However, some friends often come into contact with Linux in the hope of building a website, without thinking of knowing the basics of Linux first. It is quite difficult.

Although Linux desktop applications are developing rapidly, the Linux command still has a strong vitality in Linux. Linux is a command line operating system, the essence of the command line, no matter what level of graphical interface development this principle will not change, Linux command has many powerful functions: from simple disk operation, file access, to complex multimedia image and streaming media file production. Take one example: Linux commonly used commands find, examine man document, a beginner 1 will feel too complex and not willing to use, but 1 denier you learn to fondle admiringly. Its function is too strong, cooperating to exec parameters or redirect to xargs commands through pipes and grep command, can complete very complicated operation, if the same operation with a graphical interface tools to complete, I'm afraid to spend 10 more with time. Different versions of the Linux order quantity is not 1 sample, here I put them in a more important and the most frequently used commands, According to their functions in the system, I will introduce them to you in several parts. Through the study of these basic commands, we can further understand the Linux system:

Installation and login commands: login, shutdown, halt, reboot, mount, umount, chsh

File processing commands: file, mkdir, grep, dd, find, mv, ls, diff, cat, ln

System administration related commands: df, top, free, quota, at, lp, adduser, groupadd kill, crontab, tar, unzip, gunzip, last

Network operating commands: ifconfig, ip, ping, netstat, telnet, ftp, route, rlogin rcp, finger, mail, nslookup

System safety-related commands: passwd, su, umask, chgrp, chmod, chown, chattr, sudo, pswho

3. It is very important for learners to choose a good reference book. A misconceived reference book can lead a novice completely astray. At present, there are a lot of books about Linux in China, but few are of high quality. The author strongly recommends reading the photocopied "O'Reilly original Linux books", and the publishing house also provides a very good road map:.

4. Choose a release version of Linux that is suitable for you. Currently, there are more than 100 releases of Linux in the world, and more than 10 common versions can be found in China. Depending on your needs and abilities, Redhat Linux and Debian Linux are ideal choices for network administrators. For readers who are not good at English, the Chinese version of hongqi Linux and bid-winning Linux are more suitable. There is a free download of the Linux version available on some Linux websites, but this is not for beginners.

5. Get into the habit of working from the command line: 1 get into the habit of working from the command line. X-window is just one application running in command line mode. Learning from the command line 1 is slow at first, but once you get familiar with it, your learning path will grow exponentially. From a webmaster's perspective, the command line is actually a rule, which is always valid and flexible. It can operate remote systems thousands of kilometers away, even over a slow modem line.

6. Choose an Linux community that is right for you; With the expansion of Linux applications, a number of Linux communities have emerged.

There are some very good community: 1. www linuxforum. net (domestic top level GNU site),   http: / / www chinaunix. net/(China's largest Unix technology community), but this a few master of BBS is often Linux stage, if in the very early to explore advanced techniques of BBS Posting questions often have no result. There are also some very rich learning materials and comprehensive sites of the community, such as www.xxlinux.com.

7. Practice hard: only through practice can you improve your Linux skills. So grab a computer, install an Linux distribution, and get into the wonderful world of Linux. Believe in your own Linux ability is bound to gain a lot. Moreover, unlike a computer's hard disk, unless it is broken or you erase the data, the data stored in the hard disk will be remembered forever and immediately. In the human memory curve, you have to practice over and over again to remember something well. Likewise, learning Linux is the same, if you can't learn it often, learn the back and forget the front. Once you are familiar with the Linux command, you can start building a small Linux network, which is best practice. Linux is a synonym for network. Linux has very powerful network service functions, including email server, Web server, DNS server and so on. Of course you don't have to build all the services, you can take your time. Note that the Linux network has two or three computers for beginners, one of which is best equipped with the Windows system. Don't wait for others to solve your problems.

8. How can I get online help

Unlike proprietary operating systems, each distribution of Linux has a short technical support time, which is often insufficient for beginners to Linux. Once you have installed a complete Linux system, there is already a powerful help available, but you may not have found the techniques to use it.
1. The mainstream Linux distributions come with very detailed documentation (including man pages and FAQ), from system installation to system security, detailed documentation for different levels of people, 40% of the problems can be solved here after careful reading of the documentation.
2. Refer to the classic reference books and Howto, Howto in particular is the experience summary of tens of thousands of Linux and Unix around the world. It is of great reference value.

Get help on the Linux forum

If the above measures do not solve the problem, you may need help from the Linux community at this point.

Users of Linux are generally professionals who have a good computer background and are willing to help others. Linux masters have a cultural spirit that encourages beginners. To get help in the Linux community, it is important to be thoughtful and prepare your questions. Don't ask them too quickly or you will get a hasty answer or no answer at all. The more you show that you're trying to solve the problem before you ask for help, the more you'll get real help. It is best to search 1 forum to see if there are articles you need. You can get twice the result with half the effort.

The following author in the forum to see a good question: "after the installation of red flag 4.0, the system purple input method with the dual spell scheme and my habits are not the same, how to customize the dual spell solution ? Thank you?" This problem is very succinct, the author gave the solution after 5 minutes.

Solutions: "Backup original files to other directories first, and then delete/usr/local/unispim/unispimsp ksc, edit/usr local/unispim/unispimsp ini, finally, restart the computer to generate a new unispimsp. ksc" after another reply if the problem solved, helped you to send a specification, let them know how to solve the problem is, This supplement helps others to search mailing lists/newsgroups/forums for complete solutions that have helped you, which may be useful to them as well. Let's take a look at an unanswerable question: "help you, FTP, Samba, DNS, DHCP, Sendmail server under Linux. Thank you." You need to provide accurate and valid information. This does not require you to simply dump tons of error code or data into your query. If you have a large and complex test condition, try to keep it as small as possible. Perhaps you will encounter this situation, for a question will have different content to answer, then you need to verify through practice. It is also an option to put the problem in other Linux communities and ask for help. If you don't get an answer, don't think we can't help you. Sometimes it's just that the person who sees your question doesn't know the answer. It's a good idea to switch to a different neighborhood. Be aware of some etiquette when asking questions. Because the Linux community is a loose organization, there is no obligation to respond to every post. It's not technical support.

10. Learn Linux by thinking Unix

Linux is designed with reference to Unix. To understand and master Linux, Unix thinking must be followed. A change of mind is more useful than a temporary technical improvement, because it will help you learn faster.

101. Learning professional English

If you want to go into Linux, you won't be able to read it because the documentation is so hard. The best, most comprehensive documentation is written in English, and the first technical information released is written in English. Even when non-english speakers publish technical documents, they are first translated into English and published in international academic journals and on the Internet. When installing a new piece of software, look first at README, then at INSTALL, then at FAQ, and then you install it. If you don't look at the documentation, it's a waste of time to go to the forum to find the answer to your problem.

Finally, the learning roadmap of Linux:

1. Master at least 50 common commands.
2. Familiar with Gnome/KDE and X-windows desktop environment operation.
3. Master the common installation methods of.tgz,.rpm and other software packages
4. Learn to add peripherals and install device drivers (such as network CARDS)
5. Familiar with Grub/Lilo booters and simple repair operations.
6. Familiar with Linux file system and directory structure.
7. Master vi,gcc,gdb and other common editors, compilers and debuggers.
8. Understand shell aliases, pipes, I/O redirection, input and output, and shell scripting.
9. Learn networking in the Linux environment.

Above is the author to learn Linux1 some experience, hope to have some help to you, thanks for watching brothers education share

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