A collection of problems and solutions encountered in the use of ubuntu14.04

  • 2020-05-10 23:18:59
  • OfStack

This is the second ubuntu installation and use, although on one because not used and will not use 1 gave up two days, insist on a little long this time 1 point, familiar with basic ubuntu now use. But due to the application of ubuntu too little, commonly used software, such as QQ Photoshop, prosperous and software can't use so everyday use is mostly about windows. Computer is currently windows7 and ubuntu 14.04 double system. Here are some small problems and solutions: 1

Install the unzip (RAR) software and open the rar file under windows
sudo apt-get install unrar

shift + printScreen screenshots

There is no language support in the Settings:
Install newedge (sudo install synaptic), open it with root user (sudo synaptic), search language to find language-selector-gonme and tick the box, then click apply to OK

Input method:
It is recommended to use the sogou input method under ubuntu (you need to install fcitx first, and then set the input as fcitx in the language support).
sunpinyin could not enter ue related content.
scim in gedit esc and backspace build failure, folder name enter failure, Google browser can not use.

If the graphical interface is stuck (the mouse cannot move and the keys do not respond), ctrl+alt+f1 can be used to switch to the character interface, and ctrl+alt+f7 can be used to switch back to the graphical interface

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