Open the Apache mod_rewrite module sample code

  • 2020-05-09 19:45:10
  • OfStack

Enable the mod_rewrite module
Find it in the httpd.conf file in the conf directory
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
Get rid of the # in front of this 1 line.
2. Enable Options FollowSymLinks and AllowOverride All in directories where you want to support url rewirte
Alias /php "c:/web/php/"
<Directory "c:/web/php/"> 
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks 
AllowOverride All 
Order allow,deny 
Allow from all 

Through http like this: / / localhost: 8080 / php/access, / php/and the subdirectory underneath will support url rewrite.

Postscript: php100 com
Many articles on the Internet do not mention using Options FollowSymLinks, because it is available in httpd.conf
<Directory /> 
Options FollowSymLinks 
AllowOverride None 
Order deny,allow 
Deny from all 
Satisfy all 

So if your site is configured to be accessed via http://localhost:8080/, you won't notice the effect of Options FollowSymLinks, just change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. But I'm used to in the unit configured to http: / / localhost: 8080 / php /, forget to add Options Indexes FollowSymLinks would have failed, is displayed
You don't have permission to access /php/f2blog/ on this server.
A mistake like that. The reason was later found in the apache documentation
Note: To enable the rewriting engine for per-directory configuration files you need to set ``RewriteEngine On'' in these files and ``Options FollowSymLinks'' must be enabled. If your administrator has disabled override of FollowSymLinks for a user's directory, then you cannot use the rewriting engine. This restriction is needed for security reasons.
Actually mod_rewrite is for directories, so it is not necessary to change all AllowOverride None in httpd.conf to AllowOverride All, and Options as well.
BTW: it seems that the first thing to look at is the documentation provided by the program, but I have read almost all the documentation of tomcat5.0.28, and I have not seen whether the service can be successfully installed on windows through service.bat. I have seen many people ask N the same question as me, but I have no answer. Well, I certainly know that the tomcat service can be successfully installed through tomcatxx.exe, so it seems that this is the only way.

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