win8 under XAMPP Apache module invalid of apache cannot open the solution

  • 2020-05-06 12:10:10
  • OfStack

win8 USES port 80 by default, so apache cannot be opened.

Run c:\windows\system32\ cmd.exe
with administrator privileges
C:\WINDOWS\system32 > net stop http

The HTTP Service service was successfully stopped.

C:\WINDOWS\system32 > netstat -ano | findstr

C:\WINDOWS\system32 > sc config http start=disabled

[SC] ChangeServiceConfig succeeds

Open the registry: win+r key regedit

Find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HTTP

Find the Start term on the right and change it to 0

Restart the system and the System process will no longer occupy port 80

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