Java development must be the Linux command

  • 2020-04-01 04:30:13
  • OfStack

This article will not explain all commands in detail, only common usage and explanation, specific usage can be used --help to view help.
1. Find files

find / -name filename.txt  Look up by name / In the directory filename.txt File. 

find . -name "*.xml"  Find all of them recursively xml file 

find . -name "*.xml" |xargs grep "hello world"  Recursively finds all files contained in the contents hello world the xml file 

grep -H 'spring' *.xml  Find all of them spring the xml file 

find ./ -size 0 | xargs rm -f &  Delete files with a file size of zero 

ls -l | grep 'jar'  Find all in the current directory jar file 

grep 'test' d*  Display all d Included in the opening file test The line. 

grep 'test' aa bb cc  Displayed in the aa . bb . cc Match in file test The line. 

grep '[a-z]{5}' aa  Displays all containing at least one of each string 5 The line of a string of consecutive lowercase characters. 

2. Check to see if a program is running

ps  � ef|grep tomcat  See all about tomcat The process of 

3. Terminate the thread

kill -9 19979  Terminates the thread bit 19979 The thread 

4. View files, including hidden files

ls -al

5. Current working directory The PWD

6. Copy files

cp sourceFolder targetFolder

scp sourecFile romoteUserName@remoteIp:remoteAddr  The remote copy 

7. Create a directory The mkdir newfolder

8. Delete the directory

rmdir deleteEmptyFolder  Delete empty directory  

rm -rf deleteFile  Recursively deletes everything in the directory 

Move files

mv /temp/movefile /targetFolder

10. Heavy order  

mv oldNameFile newNameFile

Switch users  

su -username

12. Modify file permissions  

chmod 777 // permissions - RWXRWXRWX, r for read, w for write, and x for executable

Compress files

tar -czf test.tar.gz /test1 /test2

14. Make a list of compressed files

tar -tzf test.tar.gz

15. Unzip the file

tar -xvzf test.tar.gz

16. View the first 10 lines of the file

head -n 10 example.txt

17. View the last 10 lines of the file

tail -n 10 example.txt

18. View log type files

tail -f exmaple.log //This command automatically displays the new content, and the screen displays only 10 lines of content (configurable).

Execute commands using super administrator identity

sudo rm a.txt  Delete files using administrator identity 

20. Check port usage

netstat -tln | grep 8080  Check the port 8080 Usage situation 

  The above 20 commands hope you master, hope to help you with Java development

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