Java multithreading solves producer consumer problems

  • 2020-04-01 03:52:33
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how Java multithreading can solve producer-consumer problems. Share with you for your reference. Specific analysis is as follows:

The question is:

Using Java multithreading technology, design and implement a program in line with producer and consumer problems. To operate on an object (the chamber of a gun), the maximum capacity is 12 bullets. The producer thread is a push thread that keeps pushing bullets into the gun chamber. The consumer thread is an ejection thread that continuously fires bullets from the gun chamber.


(1) give a description of the analysis process.
(2) program output, to simulate the injection and injection of the gun chamber operation;
(2) the synchronization of two threads should be considered when designing the program.

This is almost the same as the famous producer-consumer problem, and here's a quick analysis.

Let's just say it in code, the comments are clear

package test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class testGun {
 public static void main(String[] args) 
 GunClip clip=new GunClip();
 Producer p=new Producer(clip);
 Concumer c=new Concumer(clip);

class GunClip   //cartridge
 private List<Integer> list=null;//For firing bullets
 private boolean bFull =false ; //It is important to understand the Boolean variable to indicate whether it is full or not
 //The function functions like putting a bullet in a magazine
 public synchronized void put(List list){
 if(!bFull){//It means that the magazine is not full, so it's like putting a bullet in it
  bFull=true;//Full of bullets. Changing the Boolean variable to true means that the cartridge is full
  notify();//Notifies the thread waiting for the bullet to retrieve the bullet
 //The wait in the next try is when the magazine is full,
 //Boolean true, suspends the thread and waits for the bullet
 }catch(Exception e){
 public synchronized void get(){
 if(!bFull){//If the magazine isn't full then you can't take the bullets
  wait();//The magazine is not full, so can not take, can only wait, only the magazine is full to take
  }catch(Exception e){
 //The bottom is full, so I'm going to get the bullets
 System.out.println("n"+" The machine gun began to fire :"+"n");
 for(int i=list.size();i>0;i--){
      int j=(Integer)list.get(i-1);
  System.out.println(" Already sent out the first "+j+" bullet ");
 //The magazine is empty, meaning there are no bullets left, so you have to wait for it to be refilled,
 //So Boolean becomes false to indicate it is not full, notifying the loaded thread to load
//The producer, that is, the cartridge, is going to have a cartridge body down here, similar to the bulletin board
class Producer extends Thread
 private GunClip clip;
 private List<Integer> list;
 Producer(GunClip clip){
 public void run(){
 for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ //Let it produce three magazines
  list=new ArrayList();
  System.out.println("n"+" The machine gun began to load: "+"n");
  for(int j=0;j<12;j++){
  System.out.println(" Has been pressed into the first "+(j+1)+" bullet ");
//Consumer, fire the bullet
class Concumer extends Thread
 private GunClip clip;
 Concumer(GunClip clip){
 public void run(){

I hope this article has been helpful to your Java programming.

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