The Java implementation converts the number to RMB capital

  • 2020-04-01 03:49:52
  • OfStack

Rmb. Java

public class Rmb 
  double number;     //Quantity of RMB
  private String[] hanArr = {" zero ", " one ", " Ii. ", " 3 ", " boss ", " wu ", " lu ", " Retailer, ", "  ", " nine " };//Chinese counting symbol
  private String[] unitArr = {"", " Pick up ", " hk ", " micky "};//Chinese counting unit
  private String[] unitArrs = {" wan ", " Hundred million ", " wan ", " mega ", " wan ", " Hundred million ", " wan ", " round "}; //Sequential add unit
  //private String[] unitsArr = {" wan ", " Hundred million "}; // Chinese character count large units 
  public Rmb(){}
  public Rmb(double number){
    this.number = number;
  public String[] divideNum(){
    double num = Math.round(number*100);//Round the number
    long integerPart = (long)num; //Make an integer with two decimal places to avoid subtraction
    //double decimalsPart = num-integerPart;// In the fractional part, there is an error at the critical part 
    String decimalsPartStr;
    long b = integerPart % 10; //Second place after the decimal point
    long a = (integerPart/10) % 10;//After the decimal point
    integerPart /= 100;
    if(a==0 && b==0){
      decimalsPartStr = null;
      decimalsPartStr = "" + a + b;
    return new String[] {String.valueOf(integerPart) , decimalsPartStr};
  public String toHanStr(){
    String[] results = new String[9]; //Used to temporarily store a string of Numbers after every four segments
    String[] resultStrs = new String[9];//Used to temporarily store every four paragraphs converted into renminbi after the pronunciation
    String result = "";//The final transformation result
    String[] divideStr = divideNum(); //You get the long and decimal part strings decomposed into floating point Numbers. The first array element is an integer part string, and the second is a decimal part string
    results[8] = divideStr[1];
    for (int i=divideStr[0].length(), j=8; i>0&&j>0 ; i-=4,j--){
        results[j-1] = divideStr[0].substring(i-4, i);
      }catch(Exception e){
        results[j-1] = divideStr[0].substring(0, i);
    if(results[8] == null){
      resultStrs[8] = " The whole ";
    }else if(results[8].charAt(1) == '0'){
      resultStrs[8] = hanArr[results[8].charAt(0) - 48] + " Angle "; //Change the number to Chinese capital according to ASCII code and hanArr array
      resultStrs[8] = hanArr[results[8].charAt(0) - 48] + " Angle " + hanArr[results[8].charAt(1) - 48] + " points "; 
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
      if(results[i] != null){
        resultStrs[i] = "";
        resultStrs[i] += hanArr[results[i].charAt(0) - 48] + unitArr[results[i].length() - 1]; //The number of units selected according to ASCII code and array length
        for (int j=1; j<results[i].length(); j++ )
          if(results[i].charAt(j-1) == '0' && results[i].charAt(j) != '0')
            resultStrs[i] += " zero " + hanArr[results[i].charAt(j) - 48] + unitArr[results[i].length() - 1 - j];  //The number of units selected according to ASCII code and array length
          else if(results[i].charAt(j) != '0' )
            resultStrs[i] += hanArr[results[i].charAt(j) - 48] + unitArr[results[i].length() - 1 - j];
    for (int i=0; i<8; i++ ){
      if(resultStrs[i] != null){
        result += resultStrs[i] + unitArrs[i];
    result += resultStrs[8];
    return result;

RmbTest. Java

public class RmbTest
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    double l;
    byte[] bye = new byte[50]; 
    System.out.println(" Please enter the amount of RMB to be converted: ");
    }catch(Exception e){}
    String s = new String(bye);
    l = Double.parseDouble(s);
    Rmb r = new Rmb(l);
    s = r.toHanStr();

The above is all the content of this article, hope to help you learn Java.

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