An introduction to the Interpreter pattern of the Java design pattern

  • 2020-04-01 03:42:17
  • OfStack

Interpreter definition: defines the grammar of a language and sets up an Interpreter to interpret the sentences in that language.

Interpreter does not seem to be widely used. It describes how a language Interpreter is constructed. In practice, we may seldom construct the grammar of a language. So let's take a quick look.

The first step is to create an interface to describe common operations.

    public interface AbstractExpression {
   void interpret( Context context );

Now let's look at some global information that contains outside of the interpreter

public interface Context { } AbstractExpression There are two kinds of realization: terminal expression and non-terminal expression.
    public class TerminalExpression implements AbstractExpression {
   public void interpret( Context context ) { }
    } For no rule in grammar, non-terminal expressions are required:
public class NonterminalExpression implements AbstractExpression {
   private AbstractExpression successor;
   public void setSuccessor( AbstractExpression successor ) {
     this.successor = successor;
   }    public AbstractExpression getSuccessor() {
     return successor;
   }    public void interpret( Context context ) { }

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